Page 30 - SOM_FALL_2020_FLIPBOOK
P. 30


                                                                           A MESSAGE FOR OUR

                                                                                e all as a community have weathered intense and
                                                                          Wunprecedented challenges so far this year. While
                                                                           it has been heartbreaking and difficult, it has also been
                                                                           inspiring. We have been honored to see the strength and
                                                                           resilience of our community shine through in the dark-
                                                                           est of times. We have witnessed our tenants here at the
                                                                           Medford Center rally in support of each other and our
                                                                           community in ways that are too vast  to list. We have
                                                                           watched our community come together and rally in sup-
                                                                           port of our tenants in amazing and generous ways well
                                                                           beyond anything we could expect. We are humbled and
                                                                           will be forever grateful for our community and our beau-
                                                                           tiful Rogue Valley.

                                                                           We are here, we are strong, and we will get through this
                                                                           We want to thank the brave and selfless first responders as
                                                                           they fought the Almeda Fire. We watched in horror as our
                                                                           neighboring communities of Ashland, Talent and Phoenix
                                                                           were burned, and we prepared for what was coming.
                                                                           Our first responders answered the call, they fought, and
                                                                           they saved more than we lost. We are now watching as
                                                                           our community pulls together and rallies around those in
                                                                           need. This is what humanity is, and this is what we will
                                                                           carry into 2021. We will carry hope and humility.

                                                                           We have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to
                                                                           invest in a brighter 2021 and we look to that future with
                                                                           hope and anticipation. There will be a major announce-
                                                                           ment coming soon regarding some amazing growth and
                                                                           development here on our property and we look forward
                                                                           to sharing that blessing with our tenants, community and
                                                                           guests in the coming months.

                                                                           In these times, remember what is important…
                                                                           Community, Family and Friends. Please continue to sup-
                                                                           port those who need it. We are here, we are focused, and
                                                                           we are #southernoregonstrong.


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