Page 69 - SOM_FALL_2020_FLIPBOOK
P. 69
Southern Oregon Coast
Leslee Ryerson
Mark Unger, Sky Lakes Media
Carl Page | Spencer Reynolds
I n the cooler months of fall, there is an unexpected way
to enjoy the outdoors. Go spend some time on the
South Oregon Coast.
Having a relatively mild year-round climate, Brookings
Oregon is located in what is affectionately called the banana
belt. If you need a reason to go, December through March
is prime whale watching season. It’s always a thrill to
catch a glimpse of a gray whale and a treat to see harbor
seals, sea lions or otters in their natural habitat. Brookings
is also home to one of Oregon’s longest undammed riv-
ers, the Chetco, featuring some of the best fall Chinook
and winter steelhead fishing in Oregon. Some say the
Chetco has the most trophy size salmon and steelhead in
the state. It’s one of the only rivers you can keep wild fish.
Check for updated regulations.
If the possibility of catching a trophy steelhead isn’t enough
excitement, you can always go bottom fishing. Situated at
the mouth of the Chetco, Harbor Oregon is home to some
great sport fishing opportunities. The Port of Brookings is
known as the safest ocean crossing on the Oregon Coast.
Fish are found within a short run from the harbor, often in
water much calmer than the rest of the coast. Fish for hard-
fighting king salmon, ferocious lingcod, and abundant black
rockfish. If you time it right, you can go crabbing.
“Saltwater courses through my veins and
brings my two passions in life together,
the ocean and my art.”
-Spencer Reynolds
Photo: Spencer Reynolds
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