Page 21 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 21




             ach year, the Grants Pass Museum of Art provides an opportunity for members to
          Eexhibit their art. This year the dates of the exhibition will be November 16 thru
          December 20. Don’t miss this chance for members to strut their stuff! And of course
          for the public to enjoy a wide variety of local artists’ work, while also supporting the
          museum. Many of the pieces are also for sale, with a portion of the proceeds supporting
          the Grants Pass Museum of Art.

                                                           ROGUE WINTERFEST

                                                            ANTICIPATING ANOTHER SOLD OUT FESTIVAL

          Experience the magic
          Experience the magic
          of the holidays at                                   he 16th Annual  Rogue Winterfest is a community fundraising event for
          of the holidays at
          Josephine County’s                                TFamily Solutions, Kairos, and Options for Southern Oregon—organizations
          Josephine County’s
          largest winter festival.  Photos by Steven Addington, Hazel Eye Photography by Aly, & Morgan Reed  that assist Josephine County children, adults, and families dealing with mental
                                 Photos by Steven Addington, Hazel Eye Photography by Aly, & Morgan Reed
          largest winter festival.
           A Magical Holiday Festival �  4 Spectacular events!  health issues. The five-day Festival includes:
                                                                 »  Gala & Grand Auction, Thursday, November 29
                                                                 »  Golden Social, Friday, November 30
                                              Culinary Christmas
                                              Culinary Christmas
                                  Weekend Holiday Events
                                  Weekend Holiday Events  Classic �  Silent Auction
                                             Classic �  Silent Auction
                                   Saturday & Sunday,
                       Golden Social (55+ only)
                                              Monday, December 3
            Gala �  Grand Auction  Golden Social (55+ only)  Saturday & Sunday,    Monday, December 3
            Gala �  Grand Auction
                                    December 1 & 2
                        Friday, November 30
                        Friday, November 30
                                    December 1 & 2
            Thursday, November 29
            Thursday, November 29                                 »  Weekend Holiday Events, Saturday, December 1 and Sunday, December 2
            Tickets on Sale Now!                                  »  Culinary Christmas Classic and Silent Auction, Monday, December 3
            Purchase tickets at or Evergreen Federal Bank (cash or check only), 969 SE 6th Street, Grants Pass.
            Advance reservations required for Culinary, Gala, & Golden Social events. Weekend Holiday tickets sold only at door. All
            events take place at Evergreen Federal Bank’s Bear Hotel, 2101 NE Spalding Avenue, Grants Pass.
                                              ATTORNEYS AT LAW
                                          Lee Good
                             Oregon Swiss   w  Cauble, Cauble & Selvig  All events are held at Evergreen Federal Bank's Bear Hotel in Grants Pass, a
                                          WalLing Family Trust
                             ESAM                             one-of-a-kind artwork  “museum” showcasing Evergreen’s community pro-
            Proceeds help Family Solutions, Kairos, & Options for Southern Oregon provide mental health services to children, adults, & families in our community.  jects, a meeting space, and Evergreen Federal Bank's Southern Oregon Winter
            November 29–December 3, 2018 |
                                                              Adventure Exhibit. Half of the hotel is dedicated to Rogue Winterfest, where
                                                              holiday trees feature gifts ranging from vacation packages to furniture for the
                                    auction, including artist pieces, a Harley Davidson Motorcycle, and a Wellness Package worth over $5,000.
          Guests will enjoy a buffet and live music.
          Friday’s Golden Social, an event for guests over 55, presents a buffet of homemade appetizers and desserts. This event features live music through-
          out the day. At The Weekend Holiday Events, kids can visit Santa and Mrs. Claus, and enjoy other activities. Live holiday music plays throughout
          the day.
          Admission to Monday night’s Culinary Christmas Classic & Silent Auction offers samplings from some of Southern Oregon’s top culinary estab-
          lishments, paired with tastings from award-winning breweries and wineries, and the sounds of the Rogue Suspects. A $20,000 Silent Auction
          runs throughout the night.
           Tickets are only sold at the door for the Weekend Holiday Events. All other events require advance reservations.

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