Page 25 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 25
n the fall of 2008, Ryan and Heidi
IChackel launched a new magazine
for the Southern Oregon region. They
had started a similar magazine in Bend
and felt it would be a great fit for this
region as well. According to Heidi,
“The goal was to bring a voice to the
community. To provide an avenue to
share all that makes Southern Oregon
great. From wine to health to heroes.”
The Chackels wanted to offer some-
thing that represents this community
and is for this community only.
As with any new venture, there
were challenges. You have to get
people to buy in, to support you
as you support the community.
The Chackels are happy to report
that people were very open. “They
started to read our pages and still
do today.” Readership and aware-
ness have grown over the years.
Heidi says, “We picked some great
people to get involved—from writ-
ers to photographers to sales reps.
Our sales manager, Leslee Ryerson,
has been with us from day one and is
still with us today. Lynn Leissler, one of our main writers, has been with
us almost from day one and has continued to increase her role. Everyone
has worked together to keep us moving forward, and we feel blessed to
be here 10 years later!”
The first issue featured wine, and the fall issue has done so ever since.
The recent growth of the Southern Oregon wine industry also spans
about 10 years. “It was fun to start during the most important time of
year for wineries, who play such an important role in the community,”
observes Heidi.
When asked about the high points, Heidi is all enthusiasm. “I truly love
when one of our readers takes the time to send in their feedback, espe-
cially when it is positive! It is great to hear when we have touched on a
subject that means something to our readers.” She notes that people get
busy and don’t often have time to share. “So when they do, I know we
have done our job. And of course it is always very gratifying to see the
enthusiasm from individuals and businesses we cover. They are excited to
be a part of what we have built, and we are happy to share their stories. “
With 10 years under their belts, the Chackels look to the future with
enthusiasm. When asked about goals, Heidi didn’t hesitate: “To continue
to provide a voice for Southern Oregon.”
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