Page 72 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 72

the good life | ask nisha

                                          SWEET DREAMS

                                                  Is sleep over-rated?

                                                              nisha jackson

        SLEEP 101

              ontrary to popular belief, your body doesn’t just turn off when
              you lie down to go to sleep. Many body operations actually turn   (crying all of the time,) anxiety, cravings, overeating, loss of sex drive,
        Con when you sleep, such as your body’s ability to make impor-  insomnia and brain fog.
        tant hormones that keep you balanced. The human growth hormone
        secreted when we have good sleep is necessary to provide growth,   Children are especially vulnerable to the negative effects of inadequate
        weight control, vitality, healthy skin, hair and nails, energy, and longev-  sleep. Excessive stress, too much on your to-do list, poor diet, stimu-
        ity. Your body operates with underlying rhythms when you sleep, called   lants in coffee, sodas, junk food, and lack of exercise can all lead to
        circadian rhythms. These can be upset by changing or practicing poor   poor quality sleep.
        sleep patterns. Poor habits, like getting too little sleep or stimulat-
        ing yourself with caffeine, watching TV late, working on the computer  The thought that we do not need seven to nine hours of sleep regularly
        with a bright screen, or too much stress can all throw off your natural   is crazy. Study after study has shown the restorative and necessary ben-
        body rhythms. This makes you more vulnerable to poor sleep and upset   efits of adequate sleep. Research has confirmed a shortened lifespan
        hormone balance, leaving you feeling bad in many ways.    with fewer than eight hours of sleep, and that hormone balance can lead
                                                                  to enhanced sleep patterns for both men and women. Recent studies
        Sleep is the most restorative habit we do every day. Without sleep, we  have also confirmed that additional sleep is required when stress levels
        would be a mess. Some of the unpleasant side effects of sleep depriva-  are high. Usually this is when we short change ourselves on needed
        tion are irritability, bouts of rage, fatigue, headaches, muscle and joint   sleep. If you are ready to make changes for you and your family, check
        pain, weight gain, dizziness, depression, excessive emotional instability   out my sleep tips and enjoy more sleep tonight!

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