Page 76 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 76
FEATURE | wine part I
The Wine Glass Overfloweth
The “State of the Union” of the Southern Oregon wine industry
by Lynn Leissler by Ezra Marcos
“T here must be always wine and fellowship or we are truly Southern Oregon Magazine is also a decade
old. For ten years, we’ve shared insights
lost.” - Ann Fairbairn, author
Southern Oregon region, including sto-
Vineyards and wineries have been around Southern about many aspects of our amazing
Oregon for decades, although the last ten years or so have seen an ries about wine. Interestingly, our first
explosion in growth. We have finally gained recognition as a bona fide issue was wine oriented with a wine-
wine region. New wineries are opening, and our wines are becoming related cover. Just like the wine industry,
increasingly available in other states. During my annual Western New we’ve enjoyed the ride, the awesome
York visit, I check for Oregon wines. Not that long ago, the shelves adventure.
held only reds from regions up north; now I see Southern Oregon
wines as well, reds and whites.
74 | fall 2018