Page 73 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2018
P. 73
1. Pay attention to what you eat and drink at dinnertime and afterward. 6. Keep your room cool and uncluttered.
Avoid eating too much food, chocolate, tea, coffee, sodas, and excessive
salt or sugar. 7. Make your bed your sleep retreat. Keep it clean, organized and made
daily, thus making it look inviting.
2. Plan for eight hours of sleep and go to bed earlier.
8. Get your hormones tested, men and women. Peak Medical clinic can test
3. Each evening, make a “to-do” list for the next day to reassure yourself hormones and brain chemicals directly related to your quality of sleep
that everything will get done. and balance them for more optimal sleep patterns. Take this suggestion
very seriously, as it can really turn your life around for the better!
4. Take a bath for at least 10 minutes with lavender oil.
9. Don’t get in the habit of working in bed, watching TV (especially the
5. Eliminate things in your room that keep you awake—animals, TV, a snor- news), checking e-mails, or eating in bed. Bed is for sleep, so don’t con-
ing person (get them help). fuse your brain.
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