Page 102 - Southern Oregon Magazine Summer 2022
P. 102

welcome home | landscape

              Ground Control Landscape Supply
              was started in 2001 by Eric and Lisa
              Artner as the first locally-owned
              blower truck company in the Rogue
              Valley. In  2009, Jason  Artner (son)
            and his wife Cori joined the company,
        making it a truly family-run business. Since
        then the company has continued to grow in
        both scope  and size, all to serve the land-
        scape community.

        “We  currently have  a fleet  of  four blower
        trucks and two conveyor trucks,” says Artner.
        “We can install most materials three hundred
        feet off the truck with our blower trucks and
        one hundred feet away with our conveyor
        trucks.” This is particularly important when
        trying to supply materials for hard to reach
        areas like backyards, under house crawl
        spaces, behind retaining walls, or when try-
        ing to get materials past sensitive areas. They
        can even provide materials to roof-top gar-
        dens or overhead sites. “We are also the only
        material placement company in Southern
        Oregon that can blow in aggregate with our
        Express Blower trucks.”

                                                                                       Along  with providing clean and reliable
                                                                                       installation services, Ground Control also
                                                                                       sells materials directly to customers as a retail
                                                                                       location. “Our retail yard offers pick up of
                                                                                       bark, soil, rock, natural stone, boulder, hard-
                                                                                       scape paver, and retaining wall block,” says
                                                                                       Artner.  “We work directly with home own-
                                                                                       ers, contractors, and municipalities, and our
                                                                                       office staff is always here to help you choose
                                                                                       the right product for your application.”

                                                                                       “Some factors to consider when choosing the
                                                                                       correct materials for ground cover are high
                                                                                       winds, pets, weed suppression, color, texture,
                                                                                       and sliverless materials,” says  Artner.  “One
                                                                                       of our most popular products is our beauty
                                                                                       bark because it hits so many of these points.”
                                                                                       Bark also has the advantage of providing more
                                                                                       nutrients to soils in the natural process of its
                                                                                       lifetime in a landscape.

                                                                                       But homeowners have also been requesting
                                                                                       more options after some of the realities of the
                                                                                       past few years. “Customers have become more
                                                                                       concerned about flammable materials along-
                                                                                       side their homes. Listening to our customers,
                                                                                       we have brought in a variety of decorative rock
                                                                                       products to add a buffer between the house
                                                                                       and bark. River cobble and black cinder are
                                                                                       some of our more popular rock products.”
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