Page 23 - Southern Oregon Magazine Summer 2022
P. 23

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                                                                     ASHLAND COMMUNITY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION

                                                                     NEW MISSION AND VISION

                                                                        shland Community  Hospital Foundation celebrates  the  45th
                                                                     Aanniversary of its 1977 founding by forward thinking commu-
                                                                     nity members. With an updated strategic plan, the foundation board
                                                                     and staff are reimagining the future of healthcare in this area. The
         21ST ANNIVERSARY                                            expanded mission supports programs  throughout Ashland, Talent,
                                                                     and Phoenix, extending its reach and impact. They are honoring their
         CELEBRATING MUSICIANS & THEIR GUITARS!                      roots as well, and continue their local hospital support and com-
                                                                     munity partnerships to improve access to quality healthcare for all
            he Guitar  Society of Southern Oregon, formerly known as  the   of its neighbors.
         TJefferson Classical Guitar Society, celebrates its 21st anniversary this
         October! The new name reflects the group’s love of the acoustic guitar   The foundation focuses its support in three key areas: community
         played in many styles, including classical, flamenco, jazz, Latin, finger-  health and wellness initiatives; nursing and allied health scholarships,
         style, ragtime, and original compositions. The Society also welcomes   and innovative programs and partnerships. By investing in new mod-
         related stringed instruments like the steel string guitar, lute, vihuela,   els of care and seeking community partnerships, the foundation can
         and oud. The group supports guitarists of all levels with monthly meet-  play a role in shaping our region’s future.
         ings and concerts during the year. They invite you to visit their new
         website,, for more information on the Society and   “Since ACHF’s founding, our community has donated more than
         the upcoming anniversary celebration.                       $13 million to support healthcare through gifts to Lights for Life,                                         the  Patrons Campaign, the  Evans Endowed  Nursing Scholarship,
                                                                     and more. These contributions have significantly impacted our local
                                 ASANTE FOUNDATION                   hospital and community-based programs,” says  ACHF Executive
                                                                     Director Janet Troy.
                                 ANDREA REEDER                       In 2021, the foundation granted more than $640,000 to support hos-
                                 New VP & Executive Director         pital and community-based health and wellness projects and nursing
                                    ndrea Reeder, recently named vice   scholarships, thanks to the generosity of its family of donors. This
                                 Apresident and executive director for   spring, the foundation awarded grants totaling $229,500 to seven
                                 Asante Foundation, joins the Asante exec-  nonprofit organizations for community health and wellness initia-
                                 utive team, leader of philanthropy for the   tives. The projects will address access to basic healthcare services,
                                 health system. She began her new duties   nutrition, adequate  shelter, access  to education, economic  stabil-
                                 in March, succeeding Floyd Harmon who   ity, personal safety, and emotional support for children, adults, and
                                 retired the same month.             families.

                                 Andrea started with Asante Foundation   Since 2002, the Evans Endowed Nursing Scholarship has provided
                                 in 2014 as a development director, and in   support to those pursuing registered nursing degrees  from the
         2018 was named campaign director, leading the planning and execution   Oregon Health & Science University Ashland Campus (at Southern
         of AsanteForward, the $50 million capital campaign to support Asante’s   Oregon University), and Rogue Community College. Since its crea-
         expansion efforts. To date, Andrea has single-handedly raised nearly $20   tion, 344 scholarships have been awarded to 277 nursing students in
         million to support the health system. “It’s such an honor to work with   excess of $963,600.
         the Southern Oregon community and represent the Asante organiza-
         tion,” said Reeder. “I look forward to continuing the great momentum   Contributions to Ashland Community Hospital Foundation are tax-
         through AsanteForward and transforming healthcare for those we serve   deductible and can be made securely through the website or mailed
         throughout our nine-county region.”                         to its office.                          

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