Page 59 - Southern Oregon Magazine Spring 2020
P. 59

e MAG25
            nce again, it’s time to delve into   response. It has been used in tradi-  U  s  e     c  o  d     f  o  r     2  5  %     O  f  f
        Othe amazing medicinal herbs of   tional remedies and as a wild food   Y  o  u  r     E  n  t  i  r  e     O  n  l  i  n  e     O  r  d  e  r  !  *  *
        Southern Oregon. We live in such a   by ancient and modern civilizations
        lush and rich area when it comes to   alike. Both these plants are nourish-  Need Digestive Support?
        diverse plant life, and the plants that   ing and stimulating to the digestive
        have made their home here can be   system, providing both intestinal and
        helpful to us in many ways. It’s worth   liver support.
        exploring and identifying these herbs
        and  how they can be incorporated   Other digestive support herbs worth
        into our daily routine.We tend to   mentioning are Peppermint (Mentha
        forget about our digestive system   piperita), which has been shown to
        and its role in the overall health of   help soothe and calm the stomach, as
        our bodies. Typically, until something   well as Saint John’s Wort (Hypericum
        feels off, we forget all about our bod-  perforatum) and Lemon  Balm
        ies dynamic fuel system. We expect   (Melissa officinalis), both providing
        a lot from our bodies as they carry   thymoleptic and adaptogenic effects.
        us through our day. As our days grow   These herbs may help increase one’s
        busier and faster with the modern   mood and decrease feelings of nerv-
        pace of life, ensuring our bodies have   ous tension, as well as help us adjust
        the right nutrients to power them   to changing situations by stabilizing
        becomes more important than ever.  the nervous system.

        There are many ways to support the   By responsibly cultivating and wild
        digestive system, starting with being   harvesting these plants, we can pre-
        conscious of  our diets, our  water   serve their traditional uses. We can
        intake, and the ingredients in our   also highlight their much-needed
        food. This helps us be aware of what   reintroduction back into our ecosys-
        we put in our system and how those   tems and medicine cabinets for the
        choices impact our general wellbe-  whole family to enjoy. An easy way
        ing. Another way of supporting your   to start is to try herbal tea! Tea is
        digestive system is knowing and   soothing and comforting, first creat-
        harnessing the power of medicinal   ing a moment to slow down to brew
        herbs. There are many bioregional   the tea. Making herbal tea a part
        herbs growing wild in Southern   of weekly routines is a nice way of
        Oregon that can support both our   taking a moment to do something
        digestion and our stress response.   good for the body and specifically
        The  goal is to support  a healthy   the digestive system Also, consumers
        digestive process overall.    can add single herb tinctures (con-
                                      centrated herbal extractions in alco-
        A common weed, Dandelion      hol) or compounded herbal tinctures
        (Taraxacum  officinale), that many   (multiple herbs) as a way of adding
        folks work to eradicate from their   an herbal kick to other drinks.
        yard is well known for its ability to
        remedy an upset stomach and for its   We encourage you to explore the
        strong detoxification abilities. Parts   gifts that are the medicinal herbs
        used are both the young leaves and   of Southern Oregon. Your digestive
        flowers, but especially the bitter   self-care may just start right here in   Our Organic Airmed Line is formulated with
        roots.                        your own backyard.               bioregional, sungrown herbs, traditionally used by

                                                                        herbalists to help support your digestive needs.
        Another non-descript plant, often
        found along riverbanks, is Burdock                                 Organic Airmed Teas (2 oz), and Organic
        (Articum lappa), best known for   Brie Malarkey
        its ability to gently aid in digestion,   Founder & CEO of Sun God Medicinals  Airmed Tinctures (1 oz), Made with the healing
        supplying a nutrient dense source           power of Southern Oregon Herbs.*
        of vitamins and minerals, and for
        supporting the body’s inflammatory                  

                                                                                                                   @ S u n G o d M  e d s
                                                                      * T H I S   P R O D U C T   I S    N O T   A P P R O V E D   B Y   T H E   F  D A   T O   T R E A T ,   C U R E ,   O R   P R E V E N T   A N Y   D I S E A S E .
                                                                      **Discount code valid only on purchases made at  Discount cannot be combined with other offers.
        **These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.   This promotion has no cash value and cannot be sold or bartered. Void where prohibited, taxed or restricted by law.
        These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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