Page 47 - Southern Oregon Magazine Fall 2022
P. 47

years before I moved here. Shakespeare is my first love. I got
          interested in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival in my senior high   Q. YOU HAVE A PERFORMING ARTS CENTER AND A
          school English at Roosevelt High School class in Des Moines. We   PRACTICE FACILITY NAMED AFTER YOU. YOU ANNUALLY
          were studying Othello and a photograph caption said, “taken at the   SUPPORT BRITT, CAMELOT THEATER, ROGUE VALLEY
          Oregon Shakespeare Festival.” I told myself, “Someday I'm going   SYMPHONY, SHAKESPEARE FESTIVAL, CHORAL
          to see those plays at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival.” I started   REPERTORY SINGERS, AND MANY MORE. WHY IS THAT
          coming to OSF to see plays in 1970, after I moved to California.   IMPORTANT TO YOU?

                                                                    JIM: Because I lack talent and I appreciate others who have talent in
                                                                    the performing arts. Some people have asked, “Why spend money on
                                                                    something that is not very important?” But to me, it's very important,
                                                                    because the audience feeds off the play and performers feed off the
                                                                    audience. The interaction of performers and audience members is very

                                                                    Q. WHAT DID YOUR PARENTS DO FOR WORK?

                                                                    JIM: My mother was the daughter of a Baptist minister. She was not
                                                                    interested  in being  a homemaker. She  wanted to work outside the
                                                                    home. Her bachelor’s degree was in business. She went to work for
                                                                    the U.S. Department of Agriculture keeping track of and containing
                                                                    diseased cows and farms. She also started teaching high school business
                                                                    classes, which was mostly typing and shorthand.

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