Page 2 - The World About Us
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Kelimutu, Flores, Indonesia

               The World about Us

                           “You’re going to be                          Front Cover: Gardens by the Bay, Singapore
                         spending the rest of your                      and Coral, Great Barrier Reef.
                         life together. Isn’t it  me                    Back Cover: Hurricane Harvey and Bohorok
                         you got to know your                           River, Gunung Leuser Na onal Park.
                         world a li le be er?”
                                                                                           ISBN: 978-0-9957197-1-2
                           Clive Searle is the Head of
                         Geography at Turton School,                                      Published December 2017 by
                         a mixed comprehensive and                                             The Source
                         sixth form college in Bolton.                                  262, Turton Road, Bolton, BL2 3EF.
                         He has been teaching GCSE                               
                         and A Level Geography for                                            typeset in Calibri
                         twenty years.                                                  Printed by
                         Acknowledgments                                Group. Page 43 , strap, Kelimutu, Clive Searle, fig.110, Gunung Paluweh, NASA, fig.111,
                                                                        Jakarta, Gunawan Kartapranata. Page 44
                                                                                            , strap, Mt. Bromo, Robert Machachek, fig.112,
                                                                        Balinese terraces, Sean Hamlin, fig.113, Kelimutu, Claire Harris, fig.114, Komodo dragon,
                                                                        Ma hias Liffers. Page 45 , strap, fig.115, Mangrove, Ozzy Delaney, fig.117, Tree kangaroo,
                            Some of the wonderful images of Lagos on pages 66-71 (see below) are   David Lochlin, fig.118, Rice paddy, Lombok, SarahTz. Page 46 , all in public domain. Page
                         copyright © David Clough. Other figures listed below are reproduced under   47, strap, Palm oil planta on, Marufish, fig.124, Bali harvest, Mar n Furhmann, fig.128,
                         the Crea ve Commons A ribu on 4.0 Interna onal license. The author   AirAsia, Simon_sees. Page 47 , strap, Surabaya and fig.129, Oil depot, Everyone Sinks
                                                                                                                 , strap,
                                                                        Starco, fig.130, Oil palm, Lian Pin Koh, fig.131, Palm oil plant, Vincentraal.  Page 49
                         would like to thank everyone for sharing their wonderful images of the world.   Children, Ben Pederick, Aust. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. fig.135, West
                         The full license is available at h ps://crea  Papua protest, add name here. Page 50 , strap, School students, fig.136, Jakarta hospital,
                            All pictures and diagrams not a ributed below are by the author, Clive   Everyone Sinks Starco, fig.137, Smoker, Farhan Perdana, fig.138 and fig.139, Flores school
                         Searle. These are free to use under the Crea ve Commons A ribu on 4.0   and pupils, Claire Harris. Page 51 , strap, Gunung Batur, Anna and Michal, fig.140 and
                                                                                                       , strap, Palm oil plant,
                         Interna onal license. The O.S. maps (figures 269 and 270) are reproduced   fig.141, Bali reGreen, fig.142, Bali and Lombok, NASA. Page 52 , strap, Jakarta, Stenley Lam,
                                                                        Vincentraal, Fig.144, LBJ and Rostow, public domain. Page 53
                         with the kind permission of the Ordnance Survey under License Number   fig.145, Mentawai tsunami training, fig.146, Jakarta mall, Dionisius Purba. Page 54 , strap
                         93178611.                                      plus fig.148, Ganesh, Claire Harris, fig.147, Jakarta slum, Jonathan McIntoch. Page 55 ,
                            Thanks go to Fin Murphy and Sam Comer for the assistance with the   strap, Paris by night, NASA, fig.150, East coast USA megalopolis, NASA, fig.151 remains of
                         typing and to Alice Searle for proof-reading. A hear elt thank you to Claire   Ur, M.lubinski, fig.152, Shibuya crossing , Magnus D. Page 56 , strap, Tokyo harbour,
                         Harris, for both edi ng the manuscript and pu ng up with me for two years   MaschaB, fig.156, Delhi slum, Jonathan Yang. Page 57 , strap, Lagos beach slum, Heinrich
                                                                                              , strap, New York, craig Clou er, fig.161, NYSE,
                                                                        Boll-S  ung, fig.159, Dharavi, MM. Page 58
                         while I wrote these books.                     Peter Kaminski. Page 59 , strap, London, Tim Greenfield, fig.162, Grenfell Tower fire,
                         Front Cover, Gardens by the Bay, Claire Harris, Coral heads, Toby Hudson.  Page 4, strap,   Natalie Oxford, fig.163, London from above, ecodallaluna. Page 60 , strap, Bangkok at
                         Chapparal, Clive Searle, fig.2 Eagle, Steve Garvie, Python , USGS, frog, LiquidGhoul,   dawn, Clive Searle. Page 61 , strap, Mumbai, Mark Hillary, fig.168, Shanghai, David Leo
                         Grasshopper, Shree Krishna Dhital. Page 5 , strap, bluebells, Clive Searle, fig.4 Hoh forest,   Vehsler, Guilin, Edward and Caroline. Page 62 , HKZMB, Brian Sterling, fig169, North
                         Kurt Thomas. Page 6 , strap, Amazonia, Andre Deak, fig.7 Monument valley,   America at night, NASA, 170, Shanghai, xiquinhosilva. Page 63 , strap, Ho Chi Minh City,
                Page 7 , strap, Steppes, Sergio Ti arini, fig.10 Atlas Mountains, NASA,   garycycles8, fig.171, Kolkata slum, Nicu Buculei, fig.172, Dhaka slum, Andy Nobes. Page
                         fig.11, Himalayas, Partha S. Sahana. Page 8 , strap, Svalbard, Ki y Terwolbeck, fig.12,   64, strap, Kibera, Trocaire, fig.174, Kibera, Trocaire, fig.175, Soweto, Trocaire.  Page 65,
                         Esperanza Base, Murray Foubister, fig.13, Antarc ca, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center,   strap, Skytrain, Sam Pangan, fig.177, Bangkok traffic, Clay Gilliland. Page 66 , strap, Third
                         fig.16, Northern Lights, Roderick Eime. Page 9 , strap, Penguins, Anne Frohlich, fig.17,   Mainland Bridge, Zouzou Wizman, fig.180, Lagos, 1910, Na onal Archives UK, fig.182,
                         Caribou, Bureau of Land Management, Alaska, fig.18, Krill, Uwe kils. Page 10 , strap,   Lagos market © David Clough. Page 67, strap, Lagos beach, © David Clough, fig.185, Lagos
                         rainforest, Ivan Mlinaric, fig.21, Costa Rica rainforest, Eflon. Page 11 , strap, Puerta Rica,   police, satanoid, fig.186, Nollywood set, Best village. Page 68, strap and all images, ©
                         Ronin O er, fig.24, Costa Rica forest, Vytautas Šėrys, fig.26 Orang utan, Ilya Yakubovich,   David Clough. Page 69, strap, Lagos Lagoon, figs.191 and fig.192, Makoko, Heinrich-Böll-
                         fig.27,  Wagler's Pit Viper, gbohne, Page 12 , strap, reef, NOAA, fig.29, French Polynesia,   S  ung, fig.193, Makoko school, CEE-HOPE. Page 70 , strap and all images, © David
                         Dany13, fig.30, Marshall Islands reef, NOAA.  Page 13 , strap and fig.31, Reefs off Pohnpei,   Clough. Page 71 , strap, Lagos, © David Clough. Page 72 , strap, fossil, Mike Beauregarde.
                         NOAA. Page 14 , strap, Monument Valley, Dziambel, fig.34, White desert, Neljs, fig.35,   Page 73, strap, Antarc c ice, Andreas Kambanis.  Page 74, strap, Ice core, Eden, Janine and
                         Camenchaca fog, Dick Culbert.  Page 15 , strap & fig.38, Joshua trees, Christopher Michel,   Jim, fig.202, Cave pain ng, Prof Saxx, fig. 203, Tree rings, Yuichiro Haga, fig.204, Drilling ice
                         fig.36, Saguaro cactus, adifferentbrian, fig.37. Fennec foxes, Charles Barilleaux. Page 16 ,   cores, NASA. Page 75 , strap, weather balloon, NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, fig.205,
                         strap, Serenge , Sam Hawley. Page 17 , strap, Okavango Delta, Tim Copeland, fig.41,   Weather balloon, NOAA, fig.206, Deep sea sediments, NOAA. Page 76 , strap, sun spots,
                         Serenge , Sam Hawley, fig.42, Acacia tree, Alan Grey, fig.43, Quelea, Alastair Rae, fig.44,   NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, fig.207, Solar flares, NASA, fig.208, Lake Toba, Max
                         Giraffe, Regina Hart. Page 18 , strap, Pennsylvania, Nicholas A. Tonelili, fig.46, Prairie,   Grabbert. Page 77 , strap, Eyja allajökull, Daníel Örn Gíslason, fig.210, Segara Anak, Pe er
                         Joshua Mayer.  Page 19 , Woods, Nicholas A. Tonelili, fig.49, Black bear, GoToVan. Page 20 ,   Lindgren, fig.211, Calbuco, Puerto Vara photography. Page 77, strap, Glacier, Caitlin Marr,
                         Steppes, Olga Fllonenko, fig.51, Bison, Badlands Na onal Park, fig.52 Praire gopher,   fig.212, Gulf stream, NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre, fig.213, Kew greenhouse, Andrew
                         KMW2700, fig.53, Przewalski's horse, Monreve Tours. Page 21 , strap, Malay forest, Lexi-I,   Bowden. Page 79 , strap, Grangemouth refinery, John McSporran. Page 80 , strap,
                         fig.56, Deforesta on, NASA. Page 22 , strap, Deforesta on, NASA, fig.57, Logs in   Kimberley Vardeman. Page 81 , strap, Hurricane Irma, NASA. Page 82 , strap, Coral
                         Kalimantan, Budi Nusyirwan, fig 58, Carajas iron ore mine, NASA, fig.59, Deforesta on in   bleaching, Ma  Kieffer. Page 83 , strap, Wildfires, US Fish and Wildlife Service. Page 84 ,
                         Sumatra, H Dragon. Page 23 , strap and fig.62, Orang utan, Dennis Keller, fig.60, Rafflesia   Funafu , Tomoaki INABA, fig.220-222, Michael Coghlan. Page 85 , strap, Darfur, Giorgio
                         Arnoldii, ma_suska – ma_suska, fig.63, Sumatran rhino, Willem V. Strien. Page 24 , strap,   Guzze a, fig.223, Darfur camp, USAID.  Page 86 , strap, Thunderstorm, Gerlos. Page 87 ,
                         Ra ing, Andrew H, fig.64, Siamang, Ryan Poplin, fig.65, Asia c elephant, Srikaanth Sikar.   strap, Erg Chebbi, Sco  Presly, fig.226, Antarc c Peninsula, Mark Sykes, fig.227, Lake
                         Page 25, strap, Ilya Yakubovich,  fig.66, GLNP entrance, Victor Ulljn, fig.67, Trekking, Claire   District, Richard Walker, fig.228, Costa Rica rainforest, Vytautas Šėrys. Page 88, strap, Lut
                         Harris. Page 26 , strap, Blenny, Fromsandtoglass, Fig.70, Polyps, Fromsandtoglass, fig.71,   desert, Ninara, fig.231, Greenland, NOAA, fig.232, Tornado, NOAA, fig.233, Bioko,
                         Flower coral, NOAA. Page 27 , strap, Great Barrier Reef, Kyle Taylor, fig.72, Big eye jack,   Wapster, fig.234, Cape horn, Liam Quinn.  Page 89 , strap, Mt Mckinley, Andrew E. Russell,
                         NOAA, fig.74  Diving in the Red Sea, Derek Keats. Page 28 , strap and fig.75, Great Barrier   fig.235, Verkoyansk, Maarten Takens, fig.236, Dallol, Achilli Family Journeys, fig.237, Dry
                         Reef, NASA, fig.76, Barrier reef, Kyle Taylor. Page 29 , strap, Bleached coral, Max Kieffer,   Valley, Pierre Roudier. Page 90 , strap, Hurricane Lee, NASA, fig.239, Three hurricanes,
                         fig.78, Coral bleaching, Acropora, fig.79, Crown of thorns, Steve L. Mar n, fig.80, Tropical   NASA. Page 91 , strap, Jost Van Dyke island, DfID, fig.242, Hurricane structure, Kelvinsong,
                         storm, NASA Goddard Space Flight Centre. Page 30 , strap, Agincourt Reef, Robert Linsdell.   fig.244, Yolanda storm damage, Lawrence Ruiz, fig.245, Texas floods, SC Na onal Guard.
                         Fig.82, Green Turtle, Brocken Inaglory, fig.83, Dugong, Julien Willem. Page 31 , strap, Five   Page 92, strap, Cracked mud, Hery Zo Rakotondramanana, fig.246, Somaliland, Oxfam East
                         Blue Lined Snappers, Lakshmi Sawitri, fig.84, Clown fish, Olga Vyatkina. Page 32 , strap,   Africa, fig.247, Lake Mead, deep  hari. Page 93, strap, Famine in Kenya, DfID, fig.248,
                         Mumbai slum, Liquidcrash, fig.82, Kibera, Nairobi, Stefan Magdalinski, other images,   California stream, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, fig.250, Murray River,
                         Adam Jones, Claire Harris, Marcel Oostervijk, Heinrich-Böll-S  ung. Page 33 , strap, Hong   Dwayne Madden. Page 94 , strap, Infrared Earth, NASA. Page 95 , strap, Malawi floods,
                         Kong, Isaac Torrontera.  Page 34 , strap, Singapore, Roman Pon da, DRC refugees,   UNDP. Page 96 , strap, Africa drought, DfID, fig.256, Drought map, NASA, fig.257, Olliphant
                         MONUSCO photos. Page 35 , strap, Sheffield crowd, Bruno Postle. Page 36 , strap, Slum,   river, Abspires40. Page 97 , strap, Ca le, UN FAO, fig.260, Africa from space, NASA, fig.259,
                         Feed my Starving Children, fig.92, Goats, ILRI, fig.93, public domain. Page 37 , strap,   Infographic, DfID. Page 98 , strap, Millet, David Stanley, Finger millet field, Swathi
                         Farmers in Laos, Mario Micklisch. Page 38 , strap, Rice terraces, Brian Sterling, fig.95,   Sridharan. Page 99 , strap, Fieldwork, Clive Searle. Page 100, strap, Survey, Hugo Chisolme,
                         Gunung Agung, Rosino. Page 39 , strap, Empire, public domain, fig.97, DRC refugees,   fig.265, Grasmere, Alex Livet. Page 101 , strap, Fieldwork, Clive Searle. Page 102 , strap,
                         MONUSCO photos, fig.98, Singapore, Dronepicr. Page 40 , strap, Ugandan refugee camp,   Sunrise over Kelimutu, Claire Harris. Page 103 , strap, Flores sunset, Claire Harris. Page 104 ,
                         Trocaire, fig.99, UK aid, DfID. Page 41 , strap, Hurricane Sandy damage, DVIDSHUB, fig.103,   strap, Bali rice field, Claire Harris. Page 105 , strap, Pandang Bai, Bali, Clive Searle. Page
                         UK aid to northern Iraq, DFiD, fig.104, Migrant boat, Irish Defence Forces, fig.105, UK aid   106, strap, Gardens by the Bay,  Clive Searle Page 107.   , strap, Southern Africa, NASA.  Back
                         to the DRC, DFiD. Page 42 , strap, Turkana, Kenya, DFiD , fig.108, Laos, Mines Advisory
                                                                        cover, Hurricane Harvey, NASA, Gunung Leuser Na onal Park, Clive Searle.
      The World about Us.
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