Page 3 - The World About Us
P. 3

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore


           2.1.1 The interdependence of ecosystems.             58. What is a 'World City' and where are they located?
           4. What are the features of an ecosystem?            60. What is the global pa ern of urban growth?
           5. What and where are the global biomes?             2.2.5 Rapid urban growth.
           6. How does atmospheric circula on affect biomes?     61. What are the causes of rapid urban growth?
           7. What other factors influence biome distribu on?    62. Are we headed for a world of megalopoleis?
           2.1.2 Distinctive ecosystems across the globe.       63. What are the consequences of rapid urban growth?
           8. What are the features of the Polar Regions?       64. What is life like for those living in the world's slums?
           9. What are the flora and fauna of the Polar Regions?  65. How does traffic conges on affect expanding ci es?
           11. What is the variety of life in the tropical rainforests?  2.2.6 The distinct challenges in LIDC cities.
           13. What flora and fauna is found on coral reefs?     66. Case study: Lagos, Nigeria: Africa's largest city.
           14. What is the global distribu on of hot deserts?   2.3.1 Climate change in the Quaternary.
           15. What is life like in the hot deserts?            72. What is geological  me and the history of life on Earth?
           16. What is the distribu on of the tropical grasslands?  73. How has climate changed in recent geological history?
           17. What is the flora and fauna of the tropical grasslands?  74. What is the evidence for climate change?
           18. What is the climate of the temperate biomes?     2.3.2 The causes of climate change.
           19. What is life like in the temperate woodlands?    76. What are the causes of climate change?
           20. What is fauna and flora of the temperate grasslands?  78. What  pped the Earth into the Quaternary?
           2.1.3 Global rainforests.                            79. What are the human causes of climate change?
           10. What shapes the distribu on of tropical rainforests?  2.3.3 The consequences of climate change.
           2.1.4 Global coral reefs.                            80. How can climate change impact on our world?
           12. What is the global distribu on of coral reefs?   82. What are the global impacts of climate change?
           2.1.5 Ecosystems under threat.                       83. Can extreme weather be linked to climate change?
           21. How are nutrients cycled through the rainforest biome?  84. Why is Tuvalu in the front line against climate change?
           22. Why are the rainforests so valuable to people?   85. Is Darfur the world’s first climate change war?
           23. Case study: The Gunung Leuser Na onal Park.      2.3.4 Global atmospheric circulation.
           26. How are nutrients recycled within coral reefs?   86. Atmospheric circula on creates climate zones.
           27. Why are the coral reefs such a valuable resource?  87. Where are the planet’s main clima c zones?
           28. Case study: The Great Barrier Reef.              88. Does atmospheric circula on create extreme weather?
           2.2.1 Uneven development.                            2.3.5 Extreme weather as a natural hazard.
           32. What do we mean by the term development?         90. What are cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons?
           33. How do we measure progress in development?       91. How and why do tropical revolving storms develop?
           34. What are the strengths and weaknesses of using GNI?  92. What are the causes and effects of drought?
           35. What is the Human Development Index?             93. What has been the global impact of drought?
           36. What are the consequences of uneven development?  2.3.6 Drought and El Niño.
           37. How do the IMF group na ons based on development?  94. What is the El Niño  Southern Oscilla on (ENSO)?
           2.2.2 The causes of uneven development.              96. Case study: El Ni ño drought in Southern Africa?
           38. What are the causes of under-development?        3. Fieldwork
           40. What is the role of overseas aid in development?  99. What is the purpose of geographical field work?
           41. How can aid both help and hinder development?    100. What are the stages in the enquiry process?
           2.2.3 Mul ple factors of economic development.       101. How can fieldwork be cri cally assessed?
           42. Case study: Indonesia, a na on of islands.       3.1 Cartographic skills.
           52. Walt Whitman Rostow's model of economic growth.  102. How are maps used when studying Geography?
           2.2.4 Global urbanisation                            3.2 Graphical skills.
           55. What do we mean by urbanisa on?                  104. How can we use graphs and charts in Geography?
           56. How has the global pa ern of urbanisa on changed?  3.3 Numerical and sta s cal skills.
           57. What and where are the world's megaci es?        106. Numerical skills in Geography.


                                                                                                  The World about Us.
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