Page 86 - RY2020-21 Handbook Rotary District 3300
P. 86


     C.  District Awards
     1. Membership Development
     The Club membership will be based on the number on 1 July 2019 and 15 May 2020 as reported in the club’s My Rotary dashboard.
     a. Highest nett membership growth
     b. Highest percentage membership growth
     c. Highest increase in lady membership
     d. Highest increase in young (below age of 40 years) membership
     e. Clubs that meet the District Governor’s membership target as below:
     i. Clubs with 12 members and below to have a net gain of 3 members
     ii. Clubs with 20 members and below to have a net gain of 5 members
     iii. All other Clubs to have a net gain of 8 members
     f. Individual Rotarian Award
     - Individual Rotarians that recruit 5 or more Rotarians.
     2. Club Website
     To maintain an active and updated website showcasing the activities of the club.
     3. Club Facebook or other social media
     Clubs intending to participate in these awards must inform the District Awards Committee by 15 July 2019. The criteria used for judging will be made
     available to the club.
     District Awards Committee
     4. Club Bulletin
     May be in hard or soft copy. A copy must be forwarded to every member of the District Awards Committee.
     5. My Rotary
     a. For club with complete submission to the club’s My Rotary site including posting in My Rotary Showcase
     b. Projects posted in Rotary Ideas

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