Page 13 - KG_1 Booklet - 2019
P. 13

Dovepress                                                     Evaluation of a tool for BGD in minimally invasive T-LIF

                             Volume of BG delivery                                      T-LIF
                     • 1 mL disk removal = 6.6±0.9 mL
                     • 2 mL disk removal = 8.4±2.8 mL                                                     STD +
                     • 3 mL disk removal = 8.8±2.0 mL              15
                     • 4 mL disk removal = 10.2±3.5 mL
                     • 5 mL disk removal = 12.1±1.9 mL          Amount of bone graft material  removed (mL)  10
                     • 6 mL disk removal = 11.6±2.4 mL
                     • 7 mL disk removal = 11.1±3.1 mL              5  AVG                                STD −
                     • 8 mL disk removal = 12.3±2.3 mL
                   • BG volume insertion is almost 4:1 relative to disk removal       Asymptotic
                   • The amount of BG to be used for a T-LIF can be predicted  0  1  2  3  4  5  6     7    8
                                                                            Amount of disk material removed (mL)
                                                                        1 standard deviation above  1 standard deviation below
                                                                        average for DMR vs BGD   average for DMR vs BGD
                                                                        Asymptotic line showing the
                                                                        relationship between DMR and BGD  Average volume
               Figure 9 Relationship of BG delivered as a function of DMR.
               Abbreviations: BG, bone graft; DMR, disk material removed; T-LIF, transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion.

                  The DMR volume during a T-LIF diskectomy at L5-S1  Discussion
               was 2.8±1.9 mL, and the average DMR volume from the   There is substantial variation in fusion rates after T-LIF
               anterior L5-S1 diskectomy was 8.1±5.0 mL. Dividing the   surgery with pseudoarthrosis rates varying from 35% to
               T-LIF volume by the anterior diskectomy (including annuli)  2.9%.  The reasons for the range of successful arthrodesis
               volume revealed that on average DMR via L5-S1 T-LIF was  vary from surgical technique, including BG preparation
               34% of the entire disk.                           and application, to the way in which a pseudoarthrosis is
                  There were no complications associated with the use of   diagnosed – direct surgical exploration or by radiographic
               the BGDT. Specifically, it did not cause injury to the end-  means.
               plates, penetrate the anterior annulus, jam with BG delivery,   Reports are available suggesting that bone grafting
               or lead to bleeding or infection. It allowed delivery of BG   leading to successful healing is related to dividing cell
               material in ,1 minute.                            inoculation. Dallari et al  showed that rabbit femoral defects
                  The average preoperative ODI measured 29±9, and the   inoculated with bone marrow stromal cells yielded a higher
               postoperative value was 21±8. A significant difference was   percentage of healing than defects treated without bone
               not detected with P=0.06. The VAS similarly improved with   marrow stromal cells. Hernigou et al  demonstrated that
               preoperative score measuring 7.8±1.8 and postoperative score   long bone nonunion in humans could be effectively treated
               4.0±2.3 at an average of 18 months. The postoperative VAS   by bone marrow aspiration of autologous iliac crest and that
               was statistically significant relative to the corresponding   the callus formation was proportional to cell count. While
               preoperative value with P,0.05.                   there is no literature to confirm that the volume of BGD to
                  CT scans were obtained in 26 patients between 1 and   a prepared disk space contributes positively to successful
               1.5 years postsurgery. Pseudoarthrosis was evident in eight   arthrodesis (Figure 10) with inadequate grafting leading to
               disks and five patients (7.7%). Two of the patients with a   pseudoarthrosis, this is inferred by the long bone studies
               2-level pseudoarthrosis were hypothyroid. This diagnosis  described above.  The importance of sufficient scaffold and
               was present in one of the patients with single-level pseudo-  viable cellular contribution to a healing bone site are impor-
               arthrosis. The other patient with a two-level pseudoarthrosis  tant criteria for healing. 8,9
               had a diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus infection  Capanna et al  quantized the percentage of disk removal
               and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV-AIDS). The  during a diskectomy operation and revealed that an average
               remaining pseudoarthrosis patient did not have discernible  of 6% of the disk space was removed. Obviously, the diske-
               risk factors (diabetes, tobacco consumption, or obesity).  ctomy technique was not intended to remove the entire disk
               A total of eight patients were lost to follow-up, and the aver-  space or prepare the interspace for fusion. Javernick et al
               age follow-up time was 1.5 years.                 showed that open, T-LIF diskectomy in a younger, active duty

               Medical Devices: Evidence and Research 2016:9                         submit your manuscript |  111
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