Page 4 - revision
P. 4

Orouba Language Schools                                                        Third Preparatory
  Computer Department                                                      Second Term 2017/2018

Logic Error              It happens when we get incorrect results after executing the program
                         because of the wrong formulating arithmetic or logic expressions.

                         errors are discovered while running the program, Ex; when declaring a

                        variable of type Byte and during the program running, a value less
Runtime Error than (0) or greater than (255) is entered, so an error appears during

                         the run, meaning that the value is out of range.

&                        Concatenation Operator; it is used to join or concatenate two sting

Vbcrlf                   It is a reserved word that is used to create a New Line
  Me                     Vbcrlf = visual Basic Carriage Return Line Feed
                         The word that express the Current Form

symbol (_) It uses to write one long line of code in many lines.

      REM                to add comments
( ' ) Apostrophe

F5 To run the program (Start Debugging)

        Specify the Scope of Declaration for Variables and Constants

Local                    When declaring a Variable or Constant in an Event procedure it can’t
                         be used out of scope of the event procedure

Global                   When declaring a Variable or Constant on the level of the public
                         (Class), So we don’t need the declaration process at each scope of the

                         Event procedure.

Final Revision                                                                                   4
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