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P. 5

Orouba Language Schools                                                         Third Preparatory
  Computer Department                                                       Second Term 2017/2018

                         Chapter 2 Branching

Example of                                          Conditional Expression  Before logical
conditional              After logical operator There are (6) logical       operator
If A > 5                                                  expression        Abstracted
If A < 5                                                                    value,
If 5 < > A               Abstracted value         Greater than >            Variable
                                                  less than <               or
If B <= A                Variable                 Smaller than Or equal     a value from
If B >= A                a value from expression  to <=                     expression
If B = A + 3 * 2                                  Greater than or equal >
If C < > A – 3 * 2                                = equal =
If A^2 = B/C                                      Not equal < >

       Conditional       It is a part of a program code that its result can be (TRUE) or
        expression       (FALSE); if this condition is met, it means that the result of the
                         conditional expression is "True" and a Specific code is executed,
                         If the condition isn't met, it means that the result of the
                         conditional expression is "False" and another code is executed.
                         Used only when you have only ONE Condition.

                         condition is True.

        If ... Then       An (Else) statement contains the block of code (statements
   If ... Then ... Else
                         that follow Else) which is executed if the result of the
      Select ... Case
           Mod           conditional expression in the (If) statement is (False).

         Focus ( )        The (If) statement can be written, in one line without writing

     SelectedIndex       (End if)
                         Used when branching depends only on the value of one Variable.

                         It is the function returns the remainder of dividing.

                         8 mod 2 = 0              11 mod 4 = 3

                         It is a (Method) for the TextBox and is used to set the cursor

                         focus inside this TextBox , to begin the writing process

                         TextBox1.Focus ( )

                         It is a property that is used to determine the order of the elements

                         within the tool (ComboBox) where the first item has an (index)

                         0, the second item has an (index) 1 and the third item has an
                         (index) 2, …………. and so on.

                         It is the event procedure for the control (ComboBox)

Final Revision                                                                               5
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