Page 6 - revision
P. 6

Orouba Language Schools                                                                             Third Preparatory
  Computer Department                                                                           Second Term 2017/2018

           Items         It is a property that is used to add items shown to the ComboBox

                         Chapter 3 Loops and Procedure

     For ... Next        It is one of the limited loop statements used when we want to
         Step            repeat a code for specific number of time.
                                           General syntax for this statement
 Do While ... Loop            For Variable = Start Value To End Value Step Add Value
Final Revision                Next [Variable]
                         Notes: The starting value, the end value, or the increase rate can
                         be an integer or a decimal number according to the data’ types.

                         Using the (Step) keyword, you can increment or decrement the
                         value of the counter; by the value that is specified.
                          If you do not write (Step) with the (For ...Next) statement, it

                          means that the increment value is one by default.
                          The value after (Step) should be negative if the starting value is

                          greater than the end value
                          The value after (Step) can be a numeric value or numeric

                         It’s the end of the loop where the program execution returns to
                         "For statement" Its function:
                         a) Compare the counter’s value with the end value of the loop
                         b) Increase or decrease the value of the counter variable

                            according to the value of Step.
                           Note: Typing a variable name (counter) next to "Next " is

                         The statement 'Do while ... loop' is used to repeat a specific code
                         for a several times of an unknown end, but based on a specific
                         condition, so they are useful if you do not know the number of
                         iterations emphatically.

                                       The general syntax of this statement is:
                              Do While Conditional Expression


                         Note: The code between the beginning of the loop "Do While"

                             and its end will be implemented as long as the conditional
                             expression is true. If the condition is not met for any reason,
                             we get out of the iterative loop, and implement the code after
                             “Loop” if found.

                         A set of commands and instructions under a name, can be
                         recalled by that name, so as to implement them, and create a

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