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        With a few shakes of black salt, you can add   require that note. Himalayan black salt makes

        dynamic flavor and color to your favorite dishes.  a great addition to recipes from India and
        Ironically, the most popular type of black   Pakistan. Don’t be afraid to try it on foods that
        salt isn’t really black. Larger chunks of   need a savory kick.
        Himalayan black salt look dark gray, and   Hawaiian black salt is another popular variety
        the ground-up version has a pinkish-  of black salt. Traditionally, it was made from
        brown hue. This black salt is extracted   volcanic lava. Today, it’s usually a blend of sea
        from the Himalayan mountain range in   salt and activated charcoal, so this salt is black
        Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and Nepal.   and has an earthy and smoky fl avor. Sprinkle it
        For centuries, it was used in Ayurvedic   on foods that need a little toasty taste.
        medicine in these regions to support   Most of the sodium in our diets comes from
        digestive and heart health. However, little   processed foods, so you should try out black
        modern research supports these claims.  salt on vegetables, marinades, beef roasts, and
        Most trace minerals and their accompanying   dressings without fear.
        fl avors are removed from the white salt   Source:
        on our tables. The sulfuric compounds in
        Himalayan black salt, or kala namak, give
        it a tangy and umami taste. These same
        compounds hint at an egg taste, making   indian-black-salt-kala-namak
        this black salt popular in vegan dishes that

        spotlight on superf ds:

        Tomatoes perk up breakfast, lunch, and   olive oil had 40% fewer sunburns than those
        dinner. These fruits come in a variety of   who  didn’t.  Olive  oil  is  important  because
        colors, shapes, and sizes. They can be yellow,   tomatoes need to be consumed with fats to get
        green, purple, dark maroon, striped, or   the most nutrients out of them. So, besides
        marbled. Every variety is juicy and nutritious.   olive oil, combine tomatoes with unsaturated
        One medium  tomato supplies  over  40   fats, like those found in avocados, pumpkin
        percent of vitamin C and 20 percent of   seeds, and walnuts. Also, cooking tomatoes
        vitamin A recommended each day with only   enhances  your  body’s  ability  to absorb  the
        35 calories. This fruit is also a great source of   nutrients in the fruit.
        potassium, vitamin K1, and folate.   The common tomato is a juicy, nutritious

        Tomatoes provide significant amounts of   addition to any dish. They are in season in

        antioxidants. Its lycopene helps the body fight   the summer, so you can get them now, when
        o  cancer and heart disease. The body converts   they’re naturally bursting with great fl avor

        a tomato’s beta-carotene into vitamin A. Plus,   and nutrients.
        research has shown that chlorogenic acid in
        tomatoes can lower blood pressure, support   Sources:
        eye health, stimulate white blood cell activity,
        maintain endothelial cells, and regulate cell   tomatoes
        growth and division.       
        Tomatoes are even good for the skin. In one   art-20045550
        study, people who ate tomato paste with
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