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P. 7

        While you cannot forage for wild algae, you   can  inhibit  tumor  growth,  lower  cholesterol   third-party verifications (USP, ConsumerLabs,

        can safely purchase certain algae, like spirulina,   levels, and prevent cardiovascular diseases.  or NSF) on the labels.
        that have been intentionally grown for human   You can add spirulina to smoothies, teas, juices   Source:
        consumption. Algae are a type of bacterium   and other beverages, baked goods, and desserts.
        found in freshwater and saltwater ecosystems.   You can even consume a spoonful of it, which   ingredientmono-923/blue-green-algae.
        Blue-green alga, also called cyanobacterium,   provides the same experience as ingesting a bit
        has been utilized in natural medicine for   of flour. Spirulina can be purchased in health   proven-benefi ts-of-spirulina

        centuries and was introduced as a supplement   food stores and other specialty shops.
        in the 1970s.
                                             Medical professionals don’t recommend
        Because of our increased focus on health,   spirulina  for  children,  pregnant  or
        wellness, and alternative health practices,   breastfeeding individuals,  and those who
        spirulina has been growing in popularity.   are immunocompromised and on certain
        You may recognize foods and beverages that   medications. Always work with your primary
        contain this alga by their green-blue color.
                                             healthcare provider before adding a supplement
        This nutrient-rich bacterium contains essential   to your diet. Make sure to purchase spirulina
        amino acids, fiber, B vitamins, calcium,   that has been safely grown and harvested

        phosphorus, iron, and antioxidants. In addition,   under controlled conditions. Also, like all
        studies have shown that blue-green alga has   supplements, it is best to do your research,

        antiviral and anti-inflammatory e ects which   purchase from a reputable retailer, and look for

        From the Kitchen: PLUM SALSA   TWO WAYS

        INGREDIENTS:                         INGREDIENTS:
        • 2 cups plums, diced small          • 3 plums, chopped
        • 1 Tbsp. lime juice                 • 2 peaches, chopped
        • ¼ cup red onion, diced small       • 1 apricot, chopped
        • ½ cup red bell pepper, diced small  • 2 Tbsp. fresh mint leaves, chopped
        • 1 Tbsp. cilantro, chopped          • Juice and zest from one lime
        • Pinch salt                         • Pinch salt

        DIRECTIONS:                          DIRECTIONS:
        Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir   Put all the ingredients in a bowl and stir together.
        together. Serve immediately or cover and   Serve immediately or cover and refrigerate
        refrigerate overnight. Serve with tortilla   overnight. Serve with cinnamon pita chips, your
        chips, on a salad, or on top of grilled fi sh,   favorite yogurt, or plain tortilla chips!
        chicken, or pork!                    Source:
                                             Adapted from: https://www.chopchopfamily.
        Adapted from: https://www.savoryonline.  org/recipe/stone-fruit-salsa/

             Nutrition Information (3 oz serving):   Nutrition Information (3.25 oz serving):
            Calories 60, Total Fat 2g, Saturated Fat 0g,   Calories 40, Total Fat 0g, Saturated Fat 0g,
              Unsaturated Fat 2g, Cholesterol 0mg,   Unsaturated Fat 0g, Cholesterol 0mg,
            Sodium 15mg, Carbohydrates 9g, Fiber 1g,   Sodium 15mg, Carbohydrates 10g, Fiber 1g,
                   Sugar 7g, Protein 0g                 Sugar 8g, Protein 0g
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