Page 2 - BrockCoNewsletterNovDec-2020
P. 2
S sonal high ghts: VEGAN LIFESTYLE
If you or someone you know is vegan, ensure you eat properly to obtain all of the
this means you only consume plant-based daily nutrients you need.
foods. There is no meat, eggs, dairy, or One of the main challenges is focusing on
processed foods included in the diet of a dietary protein. Very few plant-based foods
vegan. Although there are varying levels contain all of the amino acids to make a
of vegetarianism, vegans strictly eat plants. complete protein, which is required by the
About 3% of the American population is body to build muscle. It is important to eat a
vegan. Some follow a strict plant-based diet variety of the permitted foods at mealtime to
to help lower the risk for certain diseases; create complete proteins. This will help the
others follow this diet to help protect the body digest the di erent types of proteins and
animal population or the environment. build the complete protein during digestion.
Eating vegan may have some benefi ts; Also, varying the color of produce items you
however, ensuring that one consumes consume at each meal can help you to obtain
enough of the nutrients the body needs can a signifi cant number of micronutrients
prove to be challenging at times. It requires needed by the body.
a lot of focus, discipline, and knowledge to
Fruits & Vegetables Rice & Pasta
Legumes Dairy Alternatives
Nuts & Seeds Soy
Bread Vegetable Oils
p duce pick: PINK GRAPEFRUIT
Winter is approaching, and so is the season often appear similar to grape clusters. When
for citrus fruits. Did you know that pink choosing a grapefruit at the store, choose one
grapefruit is one of the best sources of that is heavy but feels soft when you gently
Vitamin C and lycopene (an antioxidant that squeeze it. It is important to know you need
helps keeps your cells healthy)? This tangy to buy a fruit that is ripe because there is no
fruit is low in calories and also provides a additional ripening after it has been picked
great source of fi ber. or harvested. Be sure to store the grapefruit
at room temperature and away from direct
Interestingly, the “grape” part of the name
alludes to clusters of fruit on the tree that sunlight until you are ready to enjoy it!