Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletterNovDec-2020
P. 3

Fitne  F us: TRAMPOLINES                                                  ask the rdN:
        Are you looking for something fun and   parks,  but  a more consistent  workout  is   SHOULD I RINSE MY TURKEY OR
        exciting to do indoors during the winter   possible even with a smaller individual
        months? Try heading to a trampoline park!   trampoline in your home. Interestingly   CHICKEN BEFORE I COOK IT?

        Trampolines o er a fun activity for people   enough, the calories that you burn while   Contrary to popular belief, you should not
        of all ages. Jumping on a trampoline can   jumping on a trampoline are similar to   rinse your poultry before preparation — the
        provide great aerobic benefi ts and muscle   those during running. The benefi t of the   chance of spreading harmful germs increases

        building. The list of benefi ts from jumping   trampoline  is  that  it  o ers  the  ability  to   with  rinsing. There can be  harmful bacteria

        on a trampoline includes: better core   burn additional calories if you add di erent   around chicken and turkey that have a
        strength, improved bone density, balance   tricks or jumping patterns during the   higher chance of causing sickness from cross-
        and coordination improvements, increased   workout.                       contamination, with particles spreading onto
        blood circulation, calorie-burning, and   As with any new exercise, it is important to   areas such  as  the  sink,  your  hands,  or  any
        increased muscle strength.          check with your physician before starting a   other kitchen surface. The Center for Disease
                                                                                  Control recommends cooking your poultry to
        Trampolines come in all shapes and sizes.   new activity.                 the internal temperature of 165°F or above,
        You  will  fi nd  larger  units  at  trampoline                            making  it  safe  to  consume  and  leave  the
                                                                                  rinsing to the dishes.

                                                                                  WITH THE NEW FOOD LABEL, THE
                                                                                  ‘CALORIES ADDED FROM FAT’ HAS
                                                                                  BEEN REMOVED. WHY?
                                                                                  Because dietary fat comes in many forms,
                                                                                  the  Food  and  Drug  and  Administration
                                                                                  (FDA) removed the calories from the fat
                                                                                  section because  placing  the focus  on just
                                                                                  fat calories — without defi ning the source
                                                                                  of the fat — provides a mixed message
                                                                                  that fat is not good for the body. Mono
                                                                                  and polyunsaturated fats and omega-3 and
                                                                                  omega-6 fatty acids are essential to keeping
                                                                                  the body healthy and functioning. Including
                                                                                  these forms of fat regularly is both good for
                                                                                  you and encouraged.

                                                                                  I AM VEGAN, WHAT IS THE BEST WAY
                                                                                  TO INCREASE MY CALCIUM INTAKE?
                                                                                  For vegans, it is essential to increase plant
                                                                                  sources of calcium to keep bones healthy.
                                                                                  Foods like seeds (sesame and poppy), lentils
                                                                                  and legumes, dark leafy greens, amaranth,
                                                                                  edamame, and fi gs are all great sources. By
                                                                                  regularly increasing your consumption of
                                                                                  these foods, you will increase your intake of
                                                                                  calcium. For growing  teens,  both girls  and
                                                                                  boys, it is important to get the recommended
                                                                                  amount of 1300 mg of calcium to keep bones
                                                                                  healthy. For adults, the recommended amount
                                                                                  is 1000 mg per day.

                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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