Page 5 - BrockCoNewsletterNovDec-2020
P. 5
On The Rise:
Celery juice has been showing up in the
media as something that o ers benefi ts from
drinking vs. eating celery itself. Celery is
high in the following nutrients: Vitamin C,
Vitamin K, folate, and potassium, all benefi cial
in keeping the body healthy. Drinking your
celery can provide benefi ts to digestion.
Celery juice increases and strengthens your
bile, which can aid in breaking down foods in
the gut like dietary fats, and it can assist with
eliminating toxins from the body.
Studies show that drinking celery juice
separately from other foods can o er
the most benefi ts. It is also important to
realize that while consuming celery does
o er benefi ts like being high in fi ber, it is
almost impossible to eat enough celery
stalks to get the benefi ts as you would from
consuming the juice. One important thing
to remember is, you might experience some
changes in your bowel movements if you
start consuming celery juice. While this is
a completely normal reaction, your system
should stabilize once you have been drinking
the juice regularly.
Plant-based proteins are a great way to Some plant-based foods do contain all of
shift the focus from eating animal sources the essential amino acids necessary to build
of protein to one that is more sustainable. muscle. These are called complete proteins,
You can accomplish this easily if you focus and you will fi nd them in the following plant-
on eating a variety of foods. There are a few based foods: quinoa, pumpkin seeds, chia
plant-based foods that have all of the essential seeds, and soybeans (or tofu).
parts of the protein that animal sources have. By combining the foods that we eat in our
These are called amino acids. Plant-based diet, you can build complete proteins and
foods generally contain some amino acids, get what the body needs to stay healthy.
but usually not all of those necessary to build Examples include vegetables
protein in the body. To create a complete with a whole-grain, rice
protein, we must eat plant-based foods and legumes, whole-
together at mealtime, so during digestion, grain cereal and soy
the body can use the proteins to build healthy milk, or pasta and a
muscle in the body.
vegetable sauce.