Page 3 - ROOT by Brock July August 22
P. 3

        Once used as the primary mode of transport-  Lastly, recreational horseback riding can be
        ation, these docile creatures are now pets,   an enjoyable sport for anyone.
        athletes, and recreational  adventure  pals.     Whether riding trails through the woods or
        At  one  point, horses  used to roam  the   doing laps in a pasture on a horse’s back,
        earth freely. However, horses were used for   the experience can be fun with proper
        transportation, war, and farming once people   instruction.  For proper horseback riding,
        discovered their strength and speed. Today,   you will need closed-toe  shoes, a saddle,
        horses continue as workhorses on larger   reins,  and, most  importantly,  a trained
        farms, but most are ridden for recreational   horse. If you are a beginner, you should
        purposes.                           work  with  a trained  professional. These
        Horseback riding is popular in the United   large creatures can be very intimidating,   ask the rdN:
        States. The sport includes many different   but they can provide a relaxing and fun
        types of horseback riding, such as dressage,   experience.  So, the next time you have   IS IT OK TO DRINK JUICE, OR IS
        showjumping, and recreational riding.   the  opportunity, take  a  step  out  of  your   THERE TOO MUCH SUGAR IN IT?
        Dressage is sometimes referred to as “horse   comfort zone and try horseback riding!  The recent change to food labeling laws has
        ballet” because of the elegant turns, trots,                              added and removed categories. One new
        and movements conducted during the shows.   Source:                       category is Added Sugars. There is now one
        Showjumping involves riding the horse and  column that lists Total Sugars, and just below
        instructing  it through obstacles  and  jumps.   horseback-riding/        that column is Added Sugars. If you purchase
                                                                                  fruit juice or products that contain fruit or its
                                                                                  derivatives, there will be a different number
                                                                                  listed for Total vs. Added Sugars if there is
                                                                                  added sugar. If the juice is 100% juice, you
                                                                                  will see the amount of NATURAL sugar listed
                                                                                  on the Total Sugars column. If there is sugar
                                                                                  added to the product, you will see that listed in
                                                                                  the ADDED SUGARS column. Added sugars
                                                                                  are those that do not occur naturally in the
                                                                                  fruit. Sugars derived from fruit are considered
                                                                                  acceptable to consume versus added sugars
                                                                                  that need to be monitored. Students and adult
                                                                                  women should limit their ADDED SUGAR
                                                                                  intakes to 24g or less. Adult males should limit
                                                                                  their ADDED SUGAR intakes to 36g  or less.
                                                                                  I SEE ITEMS LIKE LOW SUGAR JUICE
                                                                                  BOXES OR LOW SUGAR ORANGE
                                                                                  JUICE ON THE SHELVES THESE
                                                                                  DAYS. ARE THEY THE RIGHT CHOICE
                                                                                  INSTEAD OF REGULAR JUICE?
                                                                                  The best juice to drink is that which contains
                                                                                  100% juice. The items that claim to be low sugar
                                                                                  have had sweeteners added to them to decrease
                                                                                  the calories and lower the sugar content. At
                                                                                  first  glance,  this may  seem  like a  good  idea;
                                                                                  however, using artificial sweeteners in place
                                                                                  of natural sugars is not a good idea in general.
                                                                                  By choosing juice boxes with 100% juice, you
                                                                                  will be getting the vitamins and minerals from
                                                                                  the fruit without adding sugar or sweetener to
                                                                                  your intakes. Skipping the low sugar juices and
                                                                                  watching portions of 100% juice is a better idea.
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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