Page 3 - BrockCoNewsletter March April-2021
P. 3
Created by a group of students in the zones. The point begins when the defense
1960’s, Ultimate “Frisbee” is a low-cost releases the disc to the offense. Each time
sport that provides a great cardiovascular this transaction occurs, the team scores a
workout and easy-to-follow directions. The point. The disc may move in any direction;
term Frisbee, often used to describe all flying however, no player can run while in
discs generically, is a registered trademark of possession. Ultimate is a contactless sport.
the Wham-O toy company. Thus the sport The match concludes when the winning
is not formally called "Ultimate Frisbee", team scores 15 points.
though this name is still in everyday casual Ultimate provides numerous benefits for
use. There are Ultimate leagues throughout the body. This game increases endurance,
the United States that play inside or out. but it burns calories at a higher rate than
Regulations require two teams of seven conventional cardio exercises. Ultimate also
players on the field at a time. There can offers a full-body workout, often requiring ask the rdN:
be both co-ed and gender binary teams. jumping and squatting to catch a disc mid-air.
The only materials needed for Ultimate are Ultimate is a great workout, providing HOW CAN I TELL IF I AM CONSUMING
sneakers and a disc; however, a field abiding countless health benefits and the opportunity WHOLE GRAINS?
by USA Ultimate regulations is necessary for to transition a fun hobby into a competitive Whole grains are found in foods that have
an official match. been minimally processed. Grain products
sport. Before starting Ultimate, check with
The first requirement is a proper field, your physician to ensure that this sport is that contain whole grains will also provide a
measuring 70 by 40 yards, with both end right for your health. significant amount of fiber. For example, if you
zones equaling 20 yards. Each play begins Source: choose a refined grain bread, it will contain
with both teams lining up at opposite end less than one gram of fiber. Be sure to select
bread that has more than 2 grams of fiber per
serving, as this will contain whole grains. Other
whole-grain food products will have a symbol
on the packaging, indicating that the product
contains whole grains. Whole grains are grains
that have been minimally processed and
include all of the layers of the grain, providing
good amounts of fiber and aiding digestion.
Examples of whole-grain food products are
oatmeal, popcorn, and brown rice.
Believe it or not, frozen fruits and vegetables are
equally as good as fresh produce. Sometimes,
depending on the season, frozen may be higher
in nutrients than fresh. As fresh produce sits on
the shelves, the nutrients (vitamins and minerals)
break down making it less nutrient-dense than
its frozen counterpart. Fruits and vegetables
are flash-frozen at their peak preserving the
vitamins and minerals making these healthy
alternatives. Unfortunately, canned produce
is often packaged in water, juice or has added
sodium. All of these contribute to making
canned the least favorable option. However,
eating canned produce is better than eating no
produce at all!
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