Page 5 - BrockCoNewsletter March April-2021
P. 5

Nutrition NOte:

                                             PEA PROTEIN
                                             Have you noticed the options for including   protein and contains all of the essential amino
                                             non-meat protein options in your diet have   acids the body needs to build healthy muscles.
                                             increased recently in the grocery stores? The   Also, it contains high amounts of arginine and
                                             incorporation of alternative plant protein   iron, which can help keep your blood flowing
                                             sources in meat-replacements, protein   and your heart healthy when combined
                                             shakes, and even granola bars continues to   with foods containing Vitamin C. This plant
                                             grow. One of the  primary sources of this   protein does not contain any of the top eight
                                             plant protein is pea protein.        allergens, so those with a common food allergy
                                                                                  tolerate it well. Because the protein found in
                                             You might be asking yourself, how is that
                                             possible, how can these foods be made from   pea protein is easily digestible, it helps you feel
                                             PEAS? Yellow peas are the source of this   fuller longer than foods lower in protein.
                                             sustainable  protein  option.  The  removal  of   Be sure to check the labels of foods that
                                             the carbohydrates from the peas leaves only   contain protein to find out if the protein
                                             protein behind, allowing it to produce high   source is coming from peas!
                                             protein-containing foods. Unlike some other   Source:
                                             plant protein sources, pea protein is a complete   pea-protein-powder#health-benefits

                                             On The Rise: ALTERNATIVE PASTA

                                             There is a new wave of foods hitting   edamame, brown rice, and quinoa are just
                                             the  shelves  these  days,  known  as  pasta   some available options. Most are gluten-free,
                                             alternatives. These items can be found in the   providing several options for those who need
                                             grocery store’s pasta section and offer choices   to follow a gluten-free diet.
                                             made from several different options that can   Cooking times for each type will vary and the
                                             take the place of traditional pasta in main   textures may be slightly different. Experiment
                                             or side dishes. Some selections still provide   with the various kinds to determine which
                                             carbohydrates, but with sources like legumes   style works best for your personal preference.
                                             and  vegetables,  they contain  different   Be sure to read the nutrition labels to learn
                                             vitamins and minerals than their flour-based   which option will best meet your needs.
                                             counterparts. Chickpeas, cauliflower, lentils,
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