Page 3 - ROOT by Brock January February 22
P. 3

        Nutrition  and  hydration  are  important  in   and electrolytes. Drinking fluids with
        our everyday lives and even more essential   electrolytes like a pediatric electrolyte drink
        when athletes play sports. Athletes have   or small sips of a sports drink mixed with
        additional  nutrition  requirements  due to   water is acceptable. If you have time to
        the usually rigorous training and game   snack during a long game, try these foods:
        schedules during the season.
                                             • Banana
        The easiest way to break down how to   • Raisins
        fuel the body for sports is to think of it in
        three stages: pre-game, during the game,   • Low-fat yogurt tube
        and post-game. Each of these stages has   AFTER THE GAME: Following the
        different nutrition requirements and   game, the focus should be on replenishing
        recommendations to meet athletes needs.   and repairing your muscles.
        PRE-GAME: Carbohydrates are the     It is important to continue to hydrate,
        body’s primary energy source and help   replenish electrolytes, and eat easily-
        support those bursts of activity during   digested proteins.
        game time. You will want to include foods   Try to eat a balanced small meal or snack
        that contain some protein before the   within an hour of finishing the game.
        game to help repair muscles following the   Foods to include are:         ask the rdN:
        game. Be sure to drink at least 32 ounces
        of water before game time to ensure good   •  Low-fat chocolate milk and a piece of   WHAT ON EARTH ARE SPROUTED
        hydration during the game. Here are some   fruit                          GRAINS?
        foods to try:                        •  Smoothie made with yogurt, berries,   A  sprouted  whole  grain contains ALL  of
         • Whole-grain cereal with low-fat milk  and oats                         the original seed, the bran, the germ, the
                                                                                  endosperm, and the grain. Because sprouted
         • An apple with peanut or almond butter  • Nut butter and jelly sandwich  grains are still living, the nutrient makeup of
         • Mini whole-grain bagel with nut butter  •  Trail mix with seeds, nuts, and dried   the food changes, and the nutrients are more
                                              fruits                              available during digestion. These are found
         • Oatmeal with low-fat milk and fruit
                                            Source:                               in your grocery store's refrigerator or freezer
        DURING  THE  GAME:  Most game                                             section because sprouting grains is scientific
        times are over an hour, and the activity  and delicate. They are also available in flour
        is usually intense. During game time,   specialties/sports-medicine/sports-medicine-  form at your local health food store.
        the main focus should be on consistent   articles/fueling-and-hydrating-before-
        hydration and replenishing glycogen stores   during-and-after-exercise    IF SOMETHING IS LOW CARB, DOES
                                                                                  IT MAKE IT A HEALTHY OPTION?
                                                                                  Generally, when something is labeled a low
                                                                                  carb item, it can mean one of two things.
                                                                                  Either it is a low carbohydrate normally, or
                                                                                  processing, sweeteners, and preservatives
                                                                                  make it a low carb choice. For  example,
                                                                                  meats and vegetables contain little to no
                                                                                  carbohydrates naturally. In general, watching
                                                                                  added sugars and refined carbohydrates
                                                                                  is important to keep your body healthy,
                                                                                  but trading carbohydrates for sweeteners
                                                                                  is not the best idea. Watching portions of
                                                                                  foods containing whole grains or complex
                                                                                  carbohydrates is better for you in the long run
                                                                                  instead of choosing the low carb alternatives.
                                                                                  Have a question? Send it to
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