Page 4 - BrockCoNewsletter-NovDec-2021.indd
P. 4

Spice It Up: SAGE

        Sage is a member of the mint family. It   of  pine  and  citrus.  It  is  used  fresh,  dried,
        resembles  an  evergreen  tree  with  woody   or powdered and can be added to other
        stems and leaves with a soft, velvet feel that   spice combinations. Sage maintains a strong
        can smell pungent, minty, or astringent.   fl avor profi le even after it is dried. It pairs
        It originated from the Mediterranean and   well with other herbs like thyme, rosemary,
        was used to help with digestive issues and   garlic, oregano, and bay leaf. Check
        sore throats during Roman times. Today, its   out how we use sage in our From the
        primary  use is in  savory  recipes, especially   Kitchen recipe this month.
        during the holiday season.           Source:
        This herb comes in several varieties broken
        into three categories: common sage, garden   what-is-sage-1328645
        sage, and kitchen sage. It complements
        oregano, rosemary, and basil very well and is
        often used in dishes with meat, seafood, or
        side dishes. Sage’s fl avor is earthy with hints

        Trend Watch: SOUS VIDE

        Sous vide  (pronounced sue-veed) is a cooking   The benefi ts sous vide cooking provides are
        art also known as Low Temperature Long   consistent results, tastier foods, less waste,
        Time (LTLT) cooking. In French, sous vide   and fl exibility during the cooking process.
        translates to “under vacuum.” This cooking
        style requires placing foods in a vessel, usually   To get started with this cooking technique
        a plastic pouch or a glass  jar, and cooking   and producing tender, fl avorful food, you
        at  a very low  temperature  for extremely   will need a "sous vide" cooking device
        long periods in a water bath. Though the   (immersion circulator), packaging for your
        process of sous vide cooking is easy, it can   food (re-sealable freezer bags or canning
        get expensive. The machines can cost over   jars), and a container to hold the water.
        $500, but the packaging is reasonable. This   Source:
        cooking style produces taste and texture
        results not obtainable through other cooking   vide/
        methods  with precise  temperature control.
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