Page 237 - Compliance Workbook June
P. 237
•t Medication Pass - Nutritional
Policy & Procedure
Issue Date: 02/01/2017 Revision Date(s):
PURPOSE: To establish an aggressive nutrition program that will provide interventions for
those residents with established criteria defining them as being high nutritional risk.
• Significant change in appetite or decrease in oral intake
• Significant weight loss: 5% in 30 days, 7.5% in 90 days, or 10% in 180 days
• Depressed Nutritional Labs: ALB <3.2 and/or PAB <12
• Diagnosis related to Malnutrition
• Other: may include pressure sores, poor intake of supplements, poor wound
healing, aggressive rehab, high malnutrition risk or pressure sore risk
• A preventative response to weight loss and malnutrition in the facility.
• Appetite improvement with focus on meal time
• Benefits short-term residents as well as long-term residents
House liquid nutritional supplement is to be given to residents daily as ordered by the physician .
Residents will be identified by the nurse, dietitian, or food service supervisor using the above
criteria. Those residents on House supplements will be clearly identified in the Medication
Administration Record (MAR) and Plan of Care.
PROCEDURE: The administration of the House nutritional supplement is tracked on the MAR
as is other medications.
1. All House nutritional supplements require a physicians' order.
2. The supplement will be kept chilled to improve palatability. House supplement
containers must be dated upon opening.
3. The supplement will be accessible by the nursing department to be provided as
ordered during the routine medication pass times.
4. The supplement will be ordered through the Dietary department.
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