Page 28 - Ireland
P. 28

Easy Access                               Eating out                                   Unique Venus

The main town of Killarney is about 2     Across the county of Kerry you will find a   With venues dating back to the 6th
                                                                                       Century, Kerry is has many options to
hours from Shannon International Airport wide selection of great food all sourced      suit your needs. Old country cottages,
and just over 3 hours from Dublin Airport. locally. Kerry has a strong agriculture     luxury hotels, historic castles and
The entire county can be discovered over industry which provides exceptional, fresh    acoustically perfect churches are just
2 day trips. Dingle to the west on a single ingredients for the superb food served     some of the the venues which are
day and the Ring of Kerry to the South on throughout the county.                       available for off site dining or
                                          The variety and selection of food available  entertainment.
a second day.
                                          ensures there is something to suit all       Price/Value Relationship

                                          dietary needs.                               Kerry offers great value for money
                                                                                       .The demand pressures which exist in
The Islands &National Parks               Killarney town has a number of great         many of Ireland's larger cities -
                                          restaurants which makes it a great           particularly Dublin ensures the costs
Kerry has some of the most impressive location for a dine around. Whether the          for accommodation and dining in
Islands to discover in the west The                                                    Kerry are much lower.  
                                          guest would like fresh Irish Seafood,
Blaskets, Valentia and Skellig Michael all Flavoursome vegetarian dishes or an Irish
have a distinct history and a great many take on Tapas, there is something for
stories to tell.
                                          everyone. Killarney also has a rich
National Park spans 4,300 hectare. It
                                          musical heritage which can be
was gifted to the Irish State in 1932 by experienced in one of the towns great
Senator Arthur Vincent. 
The focal point of the National Park for

visitors is Muckross House and Gardens

, a 19 th century mansion featuring all

the  furnishings and artefacts of the

period is a major visitor attraction.
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