Page 5 - Now We're Talking!
P. 5
My Life in Lockdown
by Blessing
The first week of lockdown was fun for me and my kids. I didn’t need to go out to queue for shopping
because as soon as I heard about the lockdown, I stocked my larder with food stuff. My children and I
went to bed late, woke up late, had breakfast, watched TV and played games. Our favourite game is
called ‘Who am I?’ We spent a lot of time in the garden, having barbecues and being content.
The second week was not as much fun for my children because we had to get into the school routine:
wake them up, freshen up, have breakfast then start online learning. I had to supervise them to make
sure their work was done. Playtime was short. They became bored without their friends then it was
not easy for me!
Personally speaking, lockdown has become stressful because my children’s Saturday’s teacher
introduced them to Zoom. She contacts my daughter through a video call every Saturday and my son
every Friday. I also have to have video calls from my English class every Tuesday and my maths class
every Thursday, and on top of that I have to help my children if they find anything difficult.
My husband leaves for work when I get home. The minute I put my foot through the door, I have to
assume my duties as a mother in spite of working nightshifts and feeling exhausted. I can’t sleep if
my children are awake. I feel downcast because of the lockdown.
The last straw that broke the camel’s back was when a disagreement arose
between my supervisor and me following a decision to transfer me to a COVID19
It was a big challenge for me. I decided to resign from my job because I was very
scared for my young children who are 9, 6 and 4 years old. I shared my views with
my husband. I thought of calling in sick but my husband asked me,’ How long will
you be sick?’
Blessing, English Functional Skills, KW