Page 10 - Now We're Talking!
P. 10
Never Give Up
by May
I was thinking where should I start then I looked at myself in the mirror and asked myself
this question “How did the Coronavirus and lockdown affect my Family and me?”
These are very difficult times, but on the other hand there are nice moments too, which
most people will remember forever; I am sure many will agree.
I want to share with you my experience to give everyone positive energy to continue
enjoying their lives and to never give up. Don’t let anything stop you even with the
Coronavirus looming over our heads.
I am a wife and mum to three children aged between 7 and 11. Earlier in the year, I
decided to look for a Job to start a new chapter in my life and luckily, I found ‘The Job’.
After being in the job for 12 weeks and following a training programme, I was suddenly
without one. Like everyone else, I had to remain at home, and it was the same for my
husband and my kids. Fortunately, the company my husband works for offered him the
possibility of working from home. I wasn’t as fortunate as my husband, so I just stayed
at home with my kids… ‘No work…no school…remain home and be bored’. Those
words kept ringing in my head like a hazard alarm. To calm myself down, I kept telling
myself not to panic and that everything was going to be alright. There were so many
questions “How can I do this? Would that be easy and for how long?” So many questions
were clogging up my brain. I had to come up with a plan.
First, I focused on establishing a routine to help my three children with their home-
schooling. Each has his or her own tasks and they have to submit their daily work before
3pm every day. Of course, I couldn’t do that by myself, so my husband had to help with
this, especially with my eldest one; his schoolwork is more complicated. I have to admit
that fulfilling three roles at once: fulltime housewife, mum and teacher wasn’t easy.
Staying at home and not doing anything is definitely not healthy, mentally and physically.
Lockdown taught me that if I needed to keep my brain ticking, I must keep myself busy.
My tips are to read, do some gardening if possible, think of something you always
wanted to do but you never had the time to do it, for example, house repairs,
maintenance or decorating your own home. Believe me, time flies if you are busy!
If you are in good health, have your family or someone around who cares and support
you, what else would you ask for? Keep busy, stay healthy and don’t let anything wipe
that smile off your face, just like me!
May, English Functional skills, KW