Page 12 - Dream of Italy - October / November 2021
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O CT /NO V 2021 Procida Takes the Spotlight in 2022
isitors looking for a more unexplored corner upon
of mainland Italy. With the title, Procida is sending a
Drea m of Ita ly V their return to Italy next year can venture to the message that small towns aren’t to be overlooked as hubs
tiny island of Procida, which was named Italy’s Capital
of art and culture.
of Culture for 2022. The award comes with 1 million
Procida has had visitors since at least the 16th century
euro that will go toward 44 projects centered around art,
BC, as artifacts found on the island can attest, but settlers
are sure to draw in visitors from both Italy and abroad.
the 8th century BC. In the 17th century AD, King Charles
sustainability, citizen science and urban development that from Greece are believed to have arrived in earnest around
Understated Procida, with its emerald waters and III of Spain established a royal game reserve and oversaw
sherbet-colored houses, won the title with its campaign a prolific period of shipbuilding on the island. In modern
titled “La Cultura non Isola,” or “Culture Does Not times, the island was featured in the movies Il Postino
Isolate”—a reminder that the island’s culture remains (The Postman), Cleopatra with Elizabeth Taylor and The
unique while also being tied to and influenced by that Talented Mr. Ripley.
Tucked between the more well-known islands of
Ischia and Capri in the Bay of Naples, uncrowded Procida
boasts historic sites and nature, including pristine
beaches. Sunbathe on the black-sand Pozzo Vecchio beach
or swim in the crystal-clear waters of Spiaggia Chiaia,
then check out the nature reserve at Isola di Vivara. The
island, less than two square miles, can be visited in a day
trip, but there are hotels for those who wish to soak in the
slower pace.
This laid-back fishermen’s outpost can be reached
from Naples by hydrofoil (40 minutes) or ferry (one hour),
or from Ischia by ferry (20 minutes). Once you disembark,
FLICKR / @COGLAZ head to the main drag of Via Roma and pick up a Procidani
puff pastry filled with lemon custard at a café. For more
information, visit —Elaine Murphy