Page 8 - Dream of Italy - October / November 2021
P. 8
O CT /NO V 2021 The Eco Game of Goose in Tuscany
Drea m of Ita ly I Marina Calamai has adapted the 15th-century royal artwork and jewelry using geometrical patterns and sacred
n the village of Poppiano, outside of Florence, artist
Calamai’s interest in nature inspired her to create
board game “The Game of Goose” into her Love Labyrinth
numbers. The Love Labyrinth game is designed for players
spots within the 500 laurel plants that compose the
immersive educational activity. The first traces of the
installation, allowing guests to take part in a life-sized, of all ages, who navigate with life-size dice through 63
game were found in Chieti in Abruzzo, as well as the first heart-shaped labyrinth. The dice will decide the destiny
print that is thought to have been donated by the Grand for each player as each of the spots will have either a posi-
Duke of Tuscany Francesco I de’ Medici to King Federico of tive or negative impact upon the climate and will offer
Spain. At that time, the goose had a strong symbolic value ways to resolve such challenges. The ultimate goal is to
as a good omen. This symbolism is brought back to light raise awareness about sustainability, clean living and a
in the Love Labyrinth, which is themed around environ- greener planet.
mental conservation and sustainability. Visitors can also explore Calamai’s other perfor-
mative and interactive works, including the Touch Love
Labyrinth, an interactive artwork framed with gold
chocolate wrapping. This tactile experience challenges
the visitor to abandon the sense of sight and completely
surrender to the touch to escape the Love Labyrinth. After
the game, players can tour Calamai’s art studio, visit the
13th-century Castello di Poppiano and taste wine from the
on-site cellar.
Reservations are required for the game, which runs
for about an hour and a half, and tickets cost 25€ per
person for a minimum of four people. Via di Poppiano, 32,
Marina Calamai —Maria Pradissitto