Page 48 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 48

Age of Ambition.
While likely not as dangerous as giving a
teenager a pot of gold, the next stage, the
period of time between roughly the age of 25
to the age of 35 , is not necessarily an ideal
period of time to receive large sums of wealth -
yet the estate planning industry distributes
the entirety of the estate at these age
intervals. I refer to this period of time, from
ages of roughly 25 to 35, as "the age of

During the age of ambition, heirs are generally
“finding” themselves from a professional and
career standpoint. They complete their college
education and may seek advanced education
opportunities. In this stage, people begin a
career and start to advance in that
career. Many young adults have this bonfire
of ambition during this time period of their
lives. The flames are being stoked and the fire
is truly blazing. Keeping somebody from too
much access to wealth during the age of
ambition is far more likely to lead to their
attaining their full potential than to smother
that bonfire with your wealth.

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