Page 49 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 49

When they reach the age of 25, they are on
the cusp of exploring their bonfire of ambition,
the kindling has taken hold and a fire is
beginning to erupt. This is the stage where
they are beginning their career or profession
and they are making a name for themselves.
They're really excited about what they're doing
and they're finally willing to work really, really
hard on their career. Maybe they worked hard
on their studies before but now it's about their

You wouldn’t want to just dump a bunch of
wealth on them, thereby smothering their
ambition to be a hard worker. In most
situations that twenty-five-year-old would say,
"I don't need to work that hard. I've got all this
money coming in." Why have the flame of
ambition nearly extinguished by dumping a
bucket of wealth on it? You may actually
fundamentally change the person that your
children or grandchildren could become, or
are becoming, by giving them money that

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