Page 50 - Ultimate Guide to Estate Planning Third Edition_Neat
P. 50

As the effects of the smothering wealth burn
off, and the heir is approaching the age of 30,
ambition starts to take hold again. The
bonfire has rekindled as some of the heavier
logs begin to lick with flames. Then, whoosh,
another bucket of wealth is dumped on their

By the time they reach the age of 35 the final
bucket of wealth extinguishes whatever
ambition they likely possess. The wealth has,
potentially, fundamentally and negatively
changed the life of your loved one, rather than
enhance their life.

I truly believe that one’s late 40s and 50s are
spent harvesting from seeds that were planted
during the age of ambition. I personally
worked much harder from 25 to 35 than I do
in my 50s, yet make more money than I did
then, based upon harvesting the seeds that
were planted during my age of ambition

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