Page 44 - ДЛЯ ФЛИПЕРА_Neat
P. 44
Humor in perspective writing (20 minutes)
• Instruct students to use humor to write a similar article, but from a per-
spective that does not suggest education and financial
well-being are important in life. Students are to write a persuasive essay
from a point of view different than that of the author of
Does Education Really Lead to
Greater Earning Power?
• This article provides a strong argument that assumes the causal connec-
tion of educational credentials with ability to earn wages.
The fact that education equals earning potential will be considered com-
mon sense to most students, and some will want to poke
fun at the shallow materialism presented by the author. Humor can be a
helpful way to deal with the seriousness of budgets and planning.
• The serious message of the author is that students should plan and
budget for college. Remind students to take “small steps”
toward a better understanding of their budget and college and career
plans. These things take time and effort, and quite frankly,
most Americans have failed with this in the past decade.
• Explain to students that the author makes a strong argument that earn-
ing potential is a good reason to choose a career. In fact,
many students under 15 dream of being doctors, lawyers, professional
athletes, and entertainers. They will plan to earn these salaries until alter-
ing course after high school.