Page 57 - ДЛЯ ФЛИПЕРА_Neat
P. 57
30 Days is the brainchild of Morgan Spurlock. Spurlock’s documentary, Super Size Me, saw
the director spend 30 days eating nothing but McDonalds to see the e"ects of obesity.
The documentary sparked both praise and controversy from around the globe especially
amongdiehardfastfoodfanswhosaw justwhatadietofMcDonaldscoulddotoyou.
SpurlockhastakentheideaofSuperSizeMeandpackageditinto30Days,anFX original
series, in which people from all over the US will have 30 days to try out such lifestyles.
Thisweek,MorganSpurlockandhisfiancéewillspend30dayslivingonminimum wage.
Movie Guide, Answers and Tips.
The minimum wage is different than the living wage. The minimum wage is the legislated
minimum set by the provincial government. Thousands of families making the current minimum
wage are still living below the poverty line. A living wage calls on employers to meet a higher
standard, to ensure that wages for their staff and major contractors reflect the true costs of
living in a community and that parents can earn what they need to support their families.
Student Worksheet