Page 61 - ДЛЯ ФЛИПЕРА_Neat
P. 61
Morgan watch his kids and see just how much harder it can get when living this type of
It’s Easter and it’s Alex’s birthday. They talk about getting Easter baskets for the kids,
and Morganrelatesthatnomatterhow littlemoneyhehadgrowingup,healwayshad
an Easter basket.They go to the grocery store to get food and to make baskets, but they
cut down on what they get,and end up spending roughly $40.They don’t have
enough money, so, they have to cut out much of what they bought in order to pay
for it.
Morgan goes to library to research fun stu" to do with the kids for free, because they can’t
a"ord to pay to entertain them. He makes fun of some of the suggestions, such as touring
a bank and going to an animal shelter just to see the animals. “I can honestly say these are
some of the worst ideas ever,” he says.
They go down to a goodwill-esque shop and buy some sheets, pillows and blankets for the
kids.“Idon’tknow whatMorgan and Iwould do ifwe needed to pay somebody to take
care of the kids,” Alex admits. Childcare is more expensive than what some people make
in an entire year for just one kid.
Marcus, a homeless man, is trying to pay to take care of his family. He believes society is
made up to break up families.“It’s hard,” Morgan says,speaking ofsingle parentmothers,
who have it worse than even homeless fathers.
Day 23
Morgan’s brother’s kids are there now. Morgan explains that the kids used up all the hot
water. He decides to not work over the weekend to spend time with the kids and takes
them to see The Incredibles. They end up eating up a lot of the money they have on hand.
Alex brings up the fact that Morgan has spent so much money on the kids, yet she has to
walk to work everyday.“I’m doing everything possible to scrimp and save,and you find all
these ways to spend our money,” she says. “I haven’t purchased anything, and I’ve been
walking to work everyday.” She doesn’t think the movies and the food were a good idea.
Morgan doesn’t see it that way, he thinks it was a good decision considering the kids are
there. “We’ve spent $10 a day,” he says. “We can’t just live in a box and not do anything.”
Day 25
“The kids just left,” he says, “I can’t believe how much money we spent since they were
here.”They spentabout$80.“Itseems kind oflonely here withoutthem,”she says.“It’s my
birthday, and we have no money. Sounds like a blast. I’m totally bummed, and it’s my 30th
birthday, and I wanted to have a big party with all my friends.”
Morgan decides to take o" the day for her birthday. “We can’t stay cooped up in this
house all the time,” he says. “We have to go out.” Alex doesn’t know how people can be
stable in a relationship when so stressed about money, rent, bills and food everyday when
anything can happen to stop you from earning money.
Alex decides she’d rather go to dinner than to the conservatory. They end up at a park and
play before going to a small restaurant for dinner. “It’s so nice to be in a restaurant,” she
says, smiling for the first time in a few weeks. It cost them $23.30 to eat at the restaurant
that night.