Page 64 - ДЛЯ ФЛИПЕРА_Neat
P. 64

Minimum Wage

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       1. federal                                            6. salary

                     of or relating to the national government.                  The money paid for employee services
       2. Hourly                                             7. straight        Pays a certain amount per sale and
        Wage                                                   commission       includes a base and a rate but not a
                                                             8. unemployment

                      An amount of money paid each hour to                        the number of people without jobs
                  compensate an employee for the amount of time
                                                             9. wage
                            he/she spends working.
       3. minimum

                          the smallest possible amount
       4. piece
                                                                                    An amount of money paid to an
                                                                                  employee at a specific rate per hour
                                                             10. What are some  - Higher skilled get paid more
                                                               examples of wage  -Different regions
                                                               differentials?   -Trade unions
                                                             11. What are wage  The differences in wages between
                                                               differentials?   different groups of workers in the same
                  a worker paid a fixed rate for each unit produced             occupation
       5. propose                                            12. What determines  Market Forces
                                                               wages in the
                                                               labour market?
                                                             13. What does it   The amount of money that people are
                                                               mean by nominal  paid not accounting for inflation
                   to suggest an idea, plan, etc. for people to think  wages?
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