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                                                                                                                                                      Legal Knots is a news legal e-magazine with content that is entirely
                                                                                                                                                    defined by the significant legal news from Delhi Law and Other States.
                                                                                              Laws that

                                                                                              Safe or                                                Our editorial focus tracks legal news from across key practices areas,

                                                                                              Protect                                                jurisdictions and sectors. We are one of the very few  that can boast

                                                                                              Crimes against women                                    editorial scope in the both the established and emerging markets.
                                                                                              occur every minute in

                    Crime Against Women...                                   8                India. Women are not                                    Our emagazine team source, create and follow key legal news and
                                                                                              safe, whether it is in their
                                                                                              houses, public places or at
                       There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great revolution in the history                                                events to produce sharp and insightful comment on today’s legal
                                                                                              the workplace. Your safety
                       of women. The evidence is everywhere; the voice of women is increasingly
                                                                                              in your hands sounds like                                                            landscape.
                       heard in Parliament, courts and in the streets. While women in the West had
                                                                                              a clichéd adage to repeat.
                       to fight for over a century to get some of their basic rights, like the right to
                                                                                              Given the number of crimes
                       vote, the Constitution of India gave women equal rights with men from the
                                                                                              that are committed against                                             A multi-platform approach to news…
                                                                                              women, it is pertinent that                            We create, follow and report legal news. Here’s how we publish it:
                                                                                              women are aware about
                                                                                              the laws that are in place to
                                                                                       6      protect them.
                                                                                                                                                      Online – by practice area and by region. Updated as it happens,

                                                                                                                                                                        minute by minute, hour by hour;
                                                                                           Successful and

                                                                                           dedicated...                                                 Twitter – Follow us on Twitter – all online news is automatically

                                                                                           Meera Kaura Patel is a
                                                                                           successful and dedicated                                                        ‘tweeted’ – @legalknots;
                                                                                           litigating lawyer practicing
                                                                                           in Supreme Court of India,
                                                         8                                 Delhi High Court and Delhi                                    For editorial enquiries please contact
                                                                                           District Courts. Mrs. Patel’s

                 Crime Against Women...                                                    main practice areas are                                       For advertising enquiries please contact
                                                                                           Criminal Law, Civil Law, Family/
                                                                                           Matrimonial Law, Corporate
                   There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a great revolution in the history of
                                                                                           Laws, Intellectual Property,
                   women. The evidence is everywhere; the voice of women is increasingly heard
                                                                                           Commercial Arbitration and
                   in Parliament, courts and in the streets. While women in the West had to fight
                                                                                           Litigation, Immigration Law,
                   for over a century to get some of their basic rights, like the right to vote, the
                                                                                           Human Rights, etc.
                   Constitution of India gave women equal rights with men from the beginning.
                                                                                            Designed By :  Amrit Sidhu
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