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According to the International Research Centre
                                                                                                                                                  for Women, almost 47 percent of girls are married
                                                                                                                                                   before the age of 18. Currently, India ranks 13 in
                                                                                                                                                   the world when it comes to child marriages.

                                                                                                                                      rimes against women occur every minute   at the time of the marriage to the bride or the
                                                                               Successful and                                    Cis in their houses, public places or at the   bridegroom and their family is to be penalised.
                                                                                                                                      in India. Women are not safe, whether it
                                                                                                                                                                       Dowry system, giving and taking of dowry, is a
                                                                                                                                 workplace. Your safety in your hands sounds
                                                                                                                                                                       norm in India. Dowry is often asked of the bride
                                                                               dedicated                                         like a clichéd adage to repeat. Given the number   and her family by the groom and his family. The
                                                                                                                                 of crimes that are committed against women, it
                                                                                                                                                                       system has taken strong roots because women
                                                                                                                                 is pertinent that women are aware about the laws
                                                                                                                                 that are in place to protect them.    after marriage move in with their spouse and
                                                                                                                                                                       in-laws. Also, over the centuries, the lack for
                                                                                                                                 Remember knowledge is power. As a parent,   economic independence of women and the taboo
                                                                               litigating                                        Laws that                             When demands for dowry even after marriage
                                                                                                                                                                       towards divorce has resulted in bride burning.
                                                                                                                                                                       are not met by the girl’s families, many women
                                                                               lawyer                                            Safe or Protect

                                                               Mrs. Patel is                                                       Women                                                    Created by :
              eera Kaura Patel is a                                               with the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting                                                          Vaibhav Jain      To ensure women’s safety at workplace, this Act
                                                                                                                                                                                                             seeks to protect them from sexual harassment at
              successful and dedicated                           an expert        against various TV Channels in relation to                                                                 Advocate        their place of work. Thirty-six percent of Indian
       Mlitigating lawyer practicing                                              some TV shows which exhibited behaviours       wife, daughter, employee and a woman these   are tortured, beaten and even burnt.  companies and 25 percent among MNC’s are
       in Supreme Court of India, Delhi High Court               on laws &        similar to ragging. Her relentless campaign    are rights set in place to protect you and it is   It is one of the major challenges that our society   not complaint with the Sexual Harassment Act
       and Delhi District Courts. Mrs. Patel’s main                               against a chocolate giant and against a reputed   important that you are aware about these.  is grappling with. Women openly complaining   according to a FICCI-EY November 2015 report.
       practice areas are Criminal Law, Civil Law,    regulations relating        production house for an advertisement that                ---------------------      about it has helped to spread the word and   Sexual harassment at workplace also includes
       Family/Matrimonial Law, Corporate Laws,                                    somewhat eulogised the concept of ‘Ragging’    The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006  encourage other women to take a stand.  – the use of language with sexual overtones,
       Intellectual Property, Commercial Arbitration   to ragging and as          in hostel life, ultimately led to removal of that   According to the International Research Centre   ---------------------  invasion of private space with a male colleague
       and Litigation, Immigration Law, Human Rights,                             advertisement from Indian television through   for Women, almost 47 percent of girls are   Indian Divorce Act, 1969        hovering too close for comfort, subtle touches
       etc. Mrs. Patel has done her bachelors in Arts                             intervention of Advertising Standards Council   married before the age of 18. Currently, India   The Indian Divorce Act allows the dissolution   and innuendoes.
       (Hons.) English literature from University of   such, she is frequently    of India.                                      ranks 13 in the world when it comes to child   of marriage, mutual consent, nullity of marriage,   ---------------------
       Delhi in 2002 followed by a Baccalaureate of                               After the enactment of UGC Regulations on      marriages. Since child marriage has been steeped   judicial separation and restitution of conjugal   Indecent Representation of
       Laws form Campus Law Centre, Faculty of Law,   invited to seminars and     Curbing the Menace of Ragging, 2009, Mrs.      into the Indian culture and tradition since   rights.                       Women(Prevention) Act, 1986
       and University of Delhi in 2006. She enrolled                              Patel has counselled various victims and owing   centuries, it has been tough eliminating it.  Family Courts are established to file, hear, and   This Act prohibits indecent representation of
       as an advocate with the Bar Council of India in   conferences aimed        to her active involvement with the cases, she   The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act was made   dispose of such cases.    women through advertisement or in publications,
       2006 and commenced practicing as an Advocate                               is mindful of the various lacunas that exist in   effective in 2007. This act defines child marriage   ---------------------  writings, paintings, figures or in any other
       with Mr. Ramesh Gupta, Senior Advocate who   at educating various          the UGC Regulations as well as various other   as a marriage where the groom or the bride are   Maternity Benefit Act, 1861  manner.
       is practicing on the criminal side. Passionate                             state legislations on the subject of ragging. As   underage, that is, the bride is under 18 years of   This act regulates the employment of women   ---------------------
       about law and in pursuit of higher academic       stakeholders like        such, she even filed a Public Interest Litigation   age or the boy is younger than 21 years.  and maternity benefits mandated by law. It states   National Commission for Women Act, 1990
       brilliance, she got herself enrolled in Masters of                         in the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in 2014,   Parents trying to marry underage girls are   that a woman employee who has worked in   The National Commission for Women (NCW)
       Law programme at Faculty of Law, University                                which unfortunately the Hon’ble Court did not   subject to action under this law. Since the law   an organisation for a period of at least 80 days   is a statutory body of the Government of
       of Ottawa, Canada and successfully completed   fresher students, senior    entertain at that time in view of the existing   makes these marriages illegal, it acts as a major   during the 12 months preceding the date of her   India, established in January 1992. Lalitha
       the same in 2008. She also worked as Senior                                legal framework. She intends to again approach   deterrent.                          expected delivery is entitled to receive maternity   Kumaramangalam was appointed its Chairperson
       Legal Consultant at Agha & Co., Dubai, and    students, university         the Hon’ble Supreme Court in future when the              ---------------------      benefits, which includes maternity leave, nursing   in 2014.
       handled various matters pertaining to corporate/                           time is ripe.                                  Special Marriage Act, 1954            breaks, medical allowance, etc.       The NCW represents the rights of women in
       commercial arbitrations and litigation. She is   staff, faculty, heads of   Mrs. Patel is an expert on laws & regulations   The objectives of this act is to provide – a   ---------------------      India and provides a voice for their issues and
       also a Partner in Law Circle which is a multi-                             relating to ragging and as such, she is        special form of marriage in certain cases,   Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act,1971  concerns. The National Commission for Women
       speciality law firm. Thereafter, she returned to   institutions, etc.      frequently invited to seminars and conferences   provide for registration of certain marriages   The Act came into effect into 1972, was   Act aims to improve the status of women and
       India to establish her independent legal practice                          aimed at educating various stakeholders like   and, to provide for divorce. In a country like   amended in 1975 and 2002. The aim of the   worked for their economic empowerment.
       in Delhi.                                                                  fresher students, senior students, university   India and with the diverse religions and cast,   Act is to reduce the occurrence of illegal   ---------------------
       Apart from her flourishing legal practice as a   representing victims of ragging, initiating legal   staff, faculty, heads of institutions, etc. She   when people from different faiths and caste   abortion and consequent maternal mortality and   Equal Remuneration Act, 1976
       litigating lawyer, Mrs. Patel has been associated   proceedings against errant production houses/TV   was recently invited by National Human   chose to get married they do it under the Special   morbidity.  This Act prevents discrimination in terms of
       with SAVE as an Honorary Legal Head for   programs that eulogised acts of ragging, guiding   Rights Commission as a panel expert speaker   Marriage Act.        It clearly states the conditions under which a   remuneration. It provides for payment of equal
       the last eight years. Since her association   and supervising volunteers on legal aspects   at an anti-ragging program organised in   It is not applicable to the state of Jammu and   pregnancy can be ended or aborted and specifies   recompense to men and women workers.
       with SAVE, she has played multiple roles in   who are responsible for filing RTIs and who are   Kochi, Kerala. She very recently enlightened   Kashmir and also extends to intending spouses   the persons qualified to conduct the same.  It is necessary to know these and other laws in
       the organisation, including but not limited   counselling victims on a regular basis, etc.  many students as a technical panel speaker   who are Indian nationals and living abroad.  ---------------------  place to protect the interests of women. Only
       to creating awareness amongst necessary   Mrs. Patel’s eight year’s journey with SAVE   in a conference organised by Govt. Women     ---------------------      Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace   if you are aware of your rights can you fight
       stakeholders and victims about ragging and   has been very difficult as well as inspiring. In   Engineering College, Ajmer, Rajasthan, which   Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961  (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act,   against any injustice meted out to you at home,
       ragging related regulations/laws by speaking at   her initial years, she was responsible for issuing   was also attended by Hon’ble Mr. Justice   According to this act, taking or giving of dowry   2013  at the workplace, or in the society.
       various conferences, counselling, guiding and   legal notices to and filing various complaints   Deepak Maheshwari, High Court of Rajasthan.
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