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to be maintained by her husband. Section 125   as a limited owner.         Sarojini Naidu, Kamala surayya, Shobha De,
       of the Criminal Procedure Code also deals with   There are a few laws which have been proved to   Arundhatiroy, Anita Desai are some of them.
       maintenance of wife and children. If there is a   be a boon to the women of India. Some of which   Sarojini Naidu is called the nightingale of India.
       decree of maintenance against the husband and   includes the law relating to the abolition of ‘Sati’.   Arundhati Roy was awarded the Booker Prize
       the couple have been living apart for over one   Satīwas a religious funeral practice among some   (Man Booker Prize) for her novel The God of
       year, it would be a ground for the wife to seek   Hindu communities in which a recently widowed   Small things.
       dissolution of marriage. Here again the Muslim   Hindu woman either voluntarily or by use of force   Crime Against Women
       Personal Law has a different set of conditions for   and coercion would have immolated herself on   Over 32000 murders, 19,000 rapes, 7500 dowry
       the annulment of an Islamic marriage.  her husband’s funeral pyre. The practice is rare   deaths and 36500 molestation cases are the
       The Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961 says that   and has been outlawed in India since 1829.  violent crimes reported in India in 2006 against
       any person who gives, takes, or abets the giving   Four months after the RoopKanwar incident at   women. There are many instances of crime
       or taking of dowry shall be punished with   Deorala, the focus of attention shifted to the need   especially against women go unreported in
       imprisonment, which may extend to six months   for central legislation to stamp out the oppressive   India. These are figures released by the National
       or with fine up to Rs. 5,000 or with both. Dowry   practice of Sati. Two rallies in Delhi, Rajasthan   Crime Records Bureau recently. While Madhya
                                                                    women activists,   Pradesh is worst off among the states, the
                                                                    MP's in the   national capital New Delhi continues to hold on
                                                                    State and at the   to its reputation of being the most unsafe city in
                                                                    Centre all called   India. Delhi takes the top slot for crimes ranging
                                                                    for stringent   from murders and rapes to dowry deaths and
                                                                    legislation   abductions.
                                                                    against Sati.   Sexual Harassment:
                                                                    By 1 October,   Sexual harassment is intimidation, bullying or
                                                                    the Rajasthan   coercion of a sexual nature, or the unwelcome
                                                                    Legislature   or inappropriate promise of rewards in exchange
                                                                    had already   for sexual favours. Sexual harassment in India
                                                                    promulgated an   is termed "Eve teasing" and is described as:
                                                                    ordinance against   unwelcome sexual gesture or behaviour whether
                                                                    Sati which is   directly or indirectly as sexually coloured
                                                                    now a State   remarks; physical contact and advances; showing
                                                                    Act passed by   pornography; a demand or request for sexual
                                                                    assembly and   favours; any other unwelcome physical, verbal/
                                                                    upheld by the   non-verbal conduct being sexual in nature.
                                                                    Rajasthan High   The critical factor is the unwelcomeness of the
       that started off as a practice to give away presents   Court. By the New Year, the Commission of Sati   behaviour, thereby making the impact of such
       to the departing daughter, usually some resources   (Prevention), Act had passed through both houses   actions on the recipient more relevant rather than
       to begin her new married life, slowly assumed   with a minimum of debate or amendment.  intent of the perpetrator. According to India's
       extraordinary proportions and turned into a social   Few notable Indian Women:  constitution, sexual harassment infringes the
       evil. Brides were expected to bring the "gifts"   Arts and entertainment:  fundamental right of a woman to gender equality
       regardless of their personal willingness. The   Singers and vocalists such as M.S.   under Article 14 of the Constitution of India
       bride's family could no longer have an individual   Subbulakshmi, Gangubai Hangal, Lata   and her right to life and live with dignity under
       say; lists were prepared and sent to the girl's   Mangeshkar and Asha Bhosle, and actresses   Article 21 of the Constitution. Although there
       house before the final agreement between the   such as Aishwarya Rai, are widely revered in   is no specific law against sexual harassment at
       two families. The condition being that the boy   India. Anjolie Ela Menon is one of the famous   workplace in India but many provisions in other
       would marry the girl only if the demands were   painters.                  legislations protect against sexual harassment at
       met. Such a custom is being practiced not only in   Sports:                workplace, such as Section 354, IPC deals with
       India but also in other countries like Bangladesh   Although the general sports scenario in India is   “assault or criminal force to a woman with the
       and Nepal. The reason behind this custom is the   not very good, some Indian women have made   intent to outrage her modesty, and Section 509,
       poor economical condition of the people along   notable achievements in the field. Some of the   IPC deals with “word, gesture or act intended to
       with a lack of education; unawareness of legal   famous female sportspersons in Indian include P.   insult the modesty of a woman.
       rights among women and a general bias against   T. Usha, J. J. Shobha (athletics), Kunjarani Devi   Evolution of sexual harassment law in other
       the women.                           (weightlifting), Diana Edulji (cricket), Saina   jurisdictions:
       Crimes like rape, kidnapping, eve teasing and   Nehwal (badminton) , Koneru Hampi (chess)   In India, the case of Vishaka vs. State of
       indecent exposure can be grouped as crimes   and Sania Mirza (tennis). Karnam Malleswari   Rajasthan in 1997 has been credited with
       against women. Rape is the worst crime   (weightlifter), is the only Indian woman to have   establishing sexual harassment as illegal.
       against women after murder and the maximum   won an Olympic medal (Bronze medal in 2000).  Vishaka vs. State of Rajasthan (AIR 1997 SC
       punishment under the Indian Penal Code (IPC)   Politics:                   1997):
       is life imprisonment. An abortion or miscarriage   Through the Panchayat Raj institutions,   The litigation resulted from a brutal gang rape of
       due to natural causes is not an offence. Therefore,   over a million women have actively entered   a publicly employed social worker in a village in
       the law does not deal with it. However, violent   political life in India. As per the 73rd and 74th   Rajasthan during the course of her employment.
       and forceful abortion is a crime. Sections 312 and   Constitutional Amendment Acts, all local   The petitioners bringing the action were
       316 of the Indian Penal Code deal with abortion   elected bodies reserve one-third of their seats   various social activists and non-governmental
       as crime. Section 313 deals with abortion without   for women. Although the percentages of women   organisations. The primary basis of bringing
       the consent of the woman. The punishment could   in various levels of political activity has risen   such an action to the Supreme Court in India
       even be life imprisonment.           considerably, women are still under-represented   was to find suitable methods for the realisation
       The Hindu Succession Act gives male and female   in governance and decisionmaking positions.  of the true concept of “gender equality” in the
       heirs almost equal right to inheritance. Section   Literature:             workplace for women. In turn, the prevention
       14 says that any property possessed by a female   Many well known women writers are in   of sexual harassment of women would be
       Hindu shall be held by her as full owner and not   Indian literature as poets and story writers.   addressed by applying the judicial process.
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