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U/Sec  parents, or the man itself suffer a lot due to false   frivolous complaints can be appropriately dealt   husband and his relatives, it would also mean
                                                                                  that reconciliation and reunion of the couple
                                            with. In Chandrabhan v. State (2008), the Delhi
          accusations under these section. As it is a non
                                                                                  wouldn’t be possible if such a complaint is filed.
                                            High Court came to the conclusion that "there is
           bailable offence, each and every one of the
            family has to undergo the pain and legal
                                            no iota of doubt that most of the complaints are
                                                                                  This is a disturbing observation by the apex
             procedures done under the act. Whether
                                            and ego clashes. It is also a matter of common
                                                                                  and normalise violence in private spaces because
             it be physically, mentally or financially a   filed in the heat of the moment over trifling fights   court - the fact that a woman must internalise
             person who has not committed the crime   knowledge that in their tussle and ongoing hostility,   her matrimonial home and relationships would
             breaks down eventually within the legal   the hapless children are the worst victims".  otherwise collapse is a dangerous concept to float
             ambit for which they have a bear a huge   Earlier in July 2017, in Rajesh Sharma & Ors.v.   into the world that claims to be rooted in finding
             loss in their lives.           State of UP and Anr., the Supreme Court did the   gender equality. Additionally, by prioritising
              Recent trends and guidelines Issued   unthinkable. It passed a directive to police and   the reconciliation of a married couple over
 Created by :   by Supreme Court to prevent Misuse in   magistrates that there would be no automatic   violence faced by the woman in the matrimonial
             Sec 498 A IPC
 Anuj Kumar  In 2005, in Sushil Kumar Sharma v. Union   arrests or coercive actions arising out of   relationship, the court drives home the idea that
                                                                                  women should shy away from the reporting of
                                            complaints lodged under section 498A without
 Advocate   of India, the Supreme Court observed   ascertaining the veracity of the complaints. A   domestic violence/intimate partner abuse and/or
            that complaints under section 498A of the   bench consisting of justices AK Goel and UU   cruelty by in-laws, because she has been entrusted
   (Misuse or Prevention)  on the basis of personal vendetta - "[...]   cases wherein the women were abusing the legal   Moreover, the language of the judgment is
                                                                                  to upload and protect the honour of her family.
            Indian Penal Code (IPC) were being filed
                                            Lalit stated that there was a growing pattern of
                                            provision to implicate their husbands and his
           by misuse of the provision, a new legal
                                                                                  disturbingly problematic - condemning the
                                                                                  "violation of human rights of the innocents" (the
                                            relatives — parents, minor children, grandparents
              terrorism can be unleashed." It also
                      observed in the judgment
                                                                                  husband and his family). The bench, in a bid to
                                            and siblings — in criminal cases on the basis of
                            that the legislature
                                                                                  completely strikes at the roots of understanding
                                   should   malicious or frivolous complaints. The bench   deal with frivolous cases of domestic cruelty,
                                            stated that there was "violation of human rights
                                    find out   of innocents". The verification of the complaints   women’s rights and agency. It ignores the
                                    ways in   shall be carried out by a special police officer   historical underrepresentation and oppression of
 ECTION 498A : This particular section   Following are the advantages of this Section:  Old   which   and a district-level Family Welfare Committee   women in all phases of life that has given rise to
 under Indian Penal Code (IPC) says that if     ƒ It was enacted to combat menace of cruelty and   the   which will preferably comprise of three members,   gender inequality within public and private spaces
 Shusband of a woman or husband’s relatives   harassment against woman.  makers   who can be "paralegal volunteers/social workers/  and attempts to read down a protective legal
 subjects any forms of cruelty to the woman are     ƒ It basically helped woman in cases related to   of   retired persons/wives of working officers/other   provision meant for women for the preempted
 liable for penalties which include imprisonment not   dowry and violence caused due to it.  citizens who may be found suitable and willing".   violation of men’s rights. Also, the intermediate
 less than 3 years as well fine up to certain extent as     ƒ Strict rules and regulations were enacted to   The court, however, assured that grave physical   body is named Family Welfare Committee, an
 well as it’s a non bailable offence. It was added to   punish the perpetrators for these sort of crimes.  injury or death of the aggrieved would be   indication that the family is above all else - more
 the Indian Penal Code in the year 1983. Under this   PROCEDURE FOR FILING CASES UNDER   exceptions to this directive.  important than a woman’s rights, dignity or
 section the word cruelty means:  SECTION 498A:  The main issue brought up by the amicus curiae   agency.
   ƒAny willful conduct done by the husband or the     ƒ One can visit police station and file complaint   was whether there was a mandate to check the   However, most importantly, the court dismisses
 family members which likely drives the woman to   against her husband or relative whosoever involved   provision’s reach when it came to roping in all   the concept of formal reporting of crimes against
 commit suicide or harm herself grievously in any   in the torture under similar circumstances. The   family members to settle a matrimonial dispute   women. The creation of an intermediate body
 form or bring danger to her life.  same thing applies also to a woman if she has been   and cruelty under section 498A. In the course of   that will vet complaints against cruelty, before the
   ƒHarassment in any form which forces or coerce   the victimization of dowry abuse.  the case, data from the National Crime Records   complaint reaches the formal authority, to check
 the women to meet unlawful demands for any     ƒ One should give all the details while filing the   Bureau (NCRB) was used to indicate that the   for frivolity or maliciousness is to indicate that
 valuable security, property or assets.  complaint like regarding the torture, demand of   legal provision is being consistently misused by   the judiciary does not trust the very beneficiaries
 INTERELATION BETWEEN SECTION 498   dowry or any kind of physical or mental abuse   women - “[...] the rate of charge-sheet filing for   of this legal provision. Stating that the exceptions
 A AND THE DOWRY ACT: Dowry act 1961   which has forced the woman to take any sort of   the year 2012, under Section 498A IPC was at an   to this directive are grave physical violence or
 prohibits any person to either take or give dowry   grievous step in order to harm her life etc.  exponential height of 93.6% while the conviction   death translates to the fact that the court does not
 in any form. Dowry is considered as the valuable     ƒ Based on the complaint and all the details   rate was at a staggering low at 14.4% only [...] out   care to look at complaints regarding the emotional
 assets, properties etc. which are demanded or   provided police can then start investigation. One   of 4,66,079 cases that were pending in the start   or sexual violence that often lead to graver
 asked for by the husband or his relatives while   can also file a case under domestic violence act   of 2013, only 7,258 were convicted while 38,165   consequences. Indicating that it wants to look
 marrying a girl. It has been practiced in the country   in such cases to bear any maintenance or medical   were acquitted and 8,218 were withdrawn. The   at just one type of violence is also problematic
 since ages which eventually led the path to dowry   help if needed by the victim.  conviction rate of cases registered under Section   because the court is sending the message that
 related violence and abuse against women. Married   MISUSE OF SECTION 498A: The sections   498A IPC was also a staggering low at 15.6%.."  violence can only physically manifest on a
 women and girls are beaten or burnt to death if   498A and 304B of IPC are closely related legal   The judgment deliberates that scope and meaning   victim’s body, therefore, deterring victims of
 they are unable to fulfill the unlawful demands   and judicial provisions which were enacted to   The main issue brought   of 'cruelty' within section 498A of the IPC and   mental torture by husband and his relatives. By
 of their in laws. Also the parents of the women   safeguard interests of married women in our   up by the amicus curiae   states that it covers conduct that may drive   creating the Family Welfare Committee, the court
 are mentally harassed due to this reason. The   country. But in particular this section has been   a woman to commit suicide or cause grave   creates one more layer between the victim and
 picturesque between dowry act and section 498A is   misused from a long time by supposedly vengeful   was whether there was   injury (mental or physical) or danger to life or   the justice system, and as a result, her access to
 the form of cruelty done to the woman either by the   wives and daughter in laws in order to acquire   harassment with a view to coerce her to meet   justice is compromised.
 husband or the relatives and dowry related violence   control over them or to fulfill their unlawful   a mandate to check the   unlawful demand. The scope of the word ‘cruelty’   In 2014, another bench of the court had observed
 is one of the integral part which comes under the   desires. The misuse of this particular section   underlined by the bench has no quantitative   that “the fact that Section 498A is a cognisable
 ambit of Section 498A.  became so prevalent that the Supreme Court in   provision’s reach when   indicators or signifiers and neither it is objective   and non-bailable offence has lent it a dubious
 The purview of the above section includes mostly   the year July 2014 issued an order saying that   it came to roping in all   enough to validate by an external Family Welfare   place of pride amongst the provisions that are
 the dowry related cases which are filed either by   without any strong evidences and sufficient reasons   Committee. This is the first flaw in the judgment   used as weapons rather than shield by disgruntled
 the victim or by the relatives of the victim itself.   husband and their relatives cannot be detained   family members to settle   - it talks about an unprejudiced test to the veracity   wives”. This was a dangerous view of the
 Being a non bailable offence, the cases falling   immediately on the basis of the wife’s complaint.   of the complaints, but leaves this responsibility   situation, and in the bid to prevent misuse of the
 under this section requires a thorough investigation   No arrest should be done by police unless and until   a matrimonial dispute and   on the shoulders of arbitrary subjects shaped by   law, in this present case, the court has ignored
 and valid procedures so that a wrong perpetrator   there is a nod from the magistrate side which was   cruelty under section 498A.  patriarchal worldviews.  the aspect of preventing the violence itself. This
 does not falls in the claws of legal punishment.  also ordered by the Supreme Court regarding such   Secondly, the bench states that if complaints   Supreme Court direction is regressive and goes
 ADVANTAGES OF SECTION 498A:    cases.      are filed under this legal provision, it would   against all that we have tried to achieve for
                                            not just be harassment against the innocent   women’s rights in private spaces in India.

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