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the informal sector. Additionally, women are   recent years there have been explicit moves to   all, the Constitution imposes a fundamental duty
 Crime Against   chores (e.g., cooking, fetching water, and looking   have been given representation in the Panchayati   renounce the practices derogatory to the dignity
                                                                                  on every citizen through Articles 15(A) (e) to
       traditionally responsible for the daily household
                                            increase women's political participation. Women
                                                                                  of women.
                                            Raj system as a sign of political empowerment.
       after children). Since Indian culture hinders
       women's access to jobs in stores, factories and the
                                            There are many elected women representatives
                                                                                  All these are fundamental rights. Therefore, a
       public sector, the informal sector is particularly
                                            at the village council level. At the central
                                                                                  woman can go to the court if one is subjected
       important for women. There are estimates that
                                                                                  to any discrimination. When we talk about
                                            and state levels too women are progressively
 Women  &   over 90 percent of workingwomen are involved in   making a difference. Today we have women   constitutional rights of women in India,
                                            Chief Ministers in five large states of India. The
                                                                                  we mainly pertain to those areas where
       the informal sector.
                                            Women's reservation policy bill is slated to further
       The informal sector includes jobs such as
                                                                                  discrimination is done against women and special
                                                                                  laws formulated to fight those bigotries. The
       domestic servant, small trader, artisan, or field
                                            strengthen political participation.
       labourer on a family farm. Most of these jobs
                                                                                  most important issues stand as those pertaining
       are unskilled and low paying and do not provide
                                            NGO's Available for Help Woman
                                                                                  to marriage, children, abortion, crimes against
                                                                                  Before modern Hindu laws were passed, child
       however, cultural practices vary from region to
 its Impact on Real India  benefits to the worker. More importantly,   Astitv Foundation, Delhi  women, and inheritance.
                                                                                  marriages were the norms, inter-caste marriages
                                            Woman Security App
       region. Though it is a broad generalization, North
                                            AW+: Makes woman more secured in road of
       India tends to be more patriarchal and feudal
                                                                                  were banned, the girl became a part of the
       than South India. Women in northern India have
                                                                                  the 19th century, the British rulers passed several
       more restrictions placed on their behaviour,   India                       husband's family, and polygamy was common. In
 here is no doubt that we are in the midst of   illiteracy and the oppressive tradition. Names like   thereby restricting their access to work. Southern   Constitutional Rights:  laws to protect customs and traditions while
 a great revolution in the history of women.   Kalpana Chawla: The Indian born, who fought   India tends to be more egalitarian, women have   The Constitution of India guarantees equality of   abolishing detestable practices like Sati. Some
 TThe evidence is everywhere; the voice of   her way up into NASA and was the first women   relatively more freedom, and women have a   sexes and in fact grants special favours to women.   such revolutionary laws were Hindu Widows
 women is increasingly heard in Parliament, courts   in space, and Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman   more prominent presence in society. Cultural   These can be found in three articles of the   Remarriage Act 1865 and the BrahmoSamaj
 and in the streets. While women in the West had to   of India was the Prime Minister of the Nation,   restrictions however are changing, and women are   Constitution. Article 14 says that the government   Marriage Act 1872, the forerunner of the present
 fight for over a century to get some of their basic   Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita   freer to participate in the formal economy, though   shall not deny to any person equality before law   Special Marriage Act. In the beginning, the Act
 rights, like the right to vote, the Constitution of   Sen, and Mother Teresa are not representative of   the shortage of jobs throughout the country   or the equal protection of the laws. Article 15   sets four essential conditions for a valid Hindu
 Created by :   India gave women equal rights with men from the   the condition of Indian women.  contributes to low female employment. But in   declares that government shall not discriminate   marriage. They are:
                                                                                  1. Monogamy
                                            against any citizen on the ground of sex. Article
       the recent years, conditions of working women
 Ekta Dhama   beginning. Unfortunately, women in this country   Women's Contribution to the Economy:  in India have improved considerably. More and   15(3) makes a special provision enabling the   2. Sound mind
 are mostly unaware of their rights because of
 Advocate  illiteracy and the oppressive tradition. Names like   Although most women in India work and   more women find themselves in positions of   State to make affirmative discriminations in   3. Marriageable age
 Kalpana Chawla: The Indian born, who fought   contribute to the economy in one form or   respect and prestige, more and more workplaces   favour of women. Moreover, the government can   4. The parties should not be too closely related
 her way up into NASA and was the first women   another, much of their work is not documented   are now populated with women who work on   pass special laws in favour of women. Article 16   Polygamy was permitted among Hindus before
 in space, and Indira Gandhi: The Iron Woman   or accounted for in official statistics. Women   equal terms as men. Working is no longer an   guarantees that no citizen shall be discriminated   the Act was passed in 1955. However, after the
 of India was the Prime Minister of the Nation,   plow fields and harvest crops while working   adjustment, a mere necessity; but a means to self   against in matters of public employment on the   act was passed, any man marrying again while
 Beauty Queens like Aishwarya Rai and Susmita   on farms, women weave and make handicrafts   worth and growth.  grounds of sex. Article 42 directs the State to   his wife is living will be punished with fine and
 Sen, and Mother Teresa are not representative of   while working in household industries, women   Women have now not only found their place in   make provision for ensuring just and humane   imprisonment up to seven years. Formerly, child
 the condition of Indian women.  sell food and gather wood while working in   work places but are also party to governance. In   conditions of work and maternity relief. Above   marriages were common. The Child Marriage Act
 Over 32000 murders, 19,000 rapes, 7500 dowry                                     of 1929 was not very effective as such marriages
 deaths and 36500 molestation cases are the violent                               were continued to be performed. Now, however,
 crimes reported in India in 2006 against women.                                  the bridegroom must be 21 years old and the bride
 There are many instances of crime especially                                     18 years. However, there is a separate Muslim
 against women go unreported in India. These are                                  Code of Conduct, which allows polygamy of up
 Over 32000   figures released by the National Crime Records                      to four wives as per Islamic laws.
 Bureau recently. While Madhya Pradesh is worst                                   A marriage may be invalid without the boy or
 murders, 19,000   off among the states, the national capital New                 the girl realizing it at the time of the wedding.
 rapes, 7500 dowry   Delhi continues to hold on to its reputation of              A civil marriage would be void if four essential
 being the most unsafe city in India. Delhi takes                                 conditions are not complied with. These
 deaths and 36500   the top slot for crimes ranging from murders and              conditions are listed in the Special Marriage Act
 rapes to dowry deaths and abductions.                                            (Section 4), as enumerated below:
 molestation cases   It reflects country's law and order situation                   ƒ If it is bigamy
 when its capital is a cauldron of crime. Instead                                    ƒ If either party was suffering from mental
 are the violent   of leading the way in tackling crime, Delhi only               disorder
 crimes reported   seems to do worse year after year. For instance                   ƒ If the boy has not completed 21 years and
 while the national crime rate declined negligibly                                the girl 18 years
 in India in 2006   by .02 % in 2006; Delhi's rate grew to 357.2more                 ƒ The boy and the girl are too closely related,
 than double the national average of 167.7.                                       or in legal language, are "within degrees of
 against women.   Women in India                                                  prohibited relationship" unless custom governing
 There are many   There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a                 at least one party permits the marriage between
                                                                                  them. Prohibited relationships are listed in he
 great revolution in the history of women. The
 instances of   evidence is everywhere; the voice of women                        Special Marriage Act.
 is increasingly heard in Parliament, courts and                                     ƒ A fifth reason for invalidating a marriage is
 crime especially   in the streets. While women in the West had to                impotence of either party.
 fight for over a century to get some of their basic                              There are some grounds available to the wife
 against women go   rights, like the right to vote, the Constitution of           only, both in Hindu and civil marriages. One
 unreported in India.  India gave women equal rights with men from the            such ground available exclusively to the wife
 beginning. Unfortunately, women in this country                                  is her husband's commission of rape, sodomy
 are mostly unaware of their rights because of                                    or bestiality. Under the Hindu Adoptions and
                                                                                  Maintenance Act 1956, a Hindu wife is entitled
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