Page 3 - Tailgate Party Games
P. 3

Program Inclusions

             Page            Information                Summary

                   4         Program Formats            Your program can be a free play or structured play and
                             & Options                  designed for an afternoon, social hour, after dinner or
                                                        multiple day use.

                   5         Tailgate Party             We offer a variety of games that may be used for
                             Game List                  individual or team play.

                   6         Team Competition           Competitive events for team building with tournaments
                                                        based on number of teams and games.

                   7         Social Hour Free           Game price listings to build your social recreation
                             Play                       activity or multi day use.

                   8         Kan Jam Only               Compete in a 2-2.5 hour tournament with up to 40
                             Tournament                 teams.

                   9         Cornhole Only              Compete in a 2-2.5 hour tournament with up to 40
                             Tournament                 teams.

                  10         Kan Jam &                  A competitive program teams of 8-10 participants split
                             Cornhole                   into two sub-groups with one competing in Kan Jam
                             Tournament                 and one in the Cornhole challenge. (up to 40 teams)

                  11         Other Solo                 Pick from Bocce, Volleyball, Jenga, Croquet or others
                             Tournaments                and we can build a solo, or combo program.

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