Page 6 - Tailgate Party Games
P. 6
Tournament Package
Program Details Game Options
Overview: Outdoors, indoors or a Game Options: Pick 6 for Match Play & Up to 8 for
combination of locations to host your sub group competition.
tournament to meet your group, time Cornhole Normal boards or with lights. Complete with outdoor
availability and desired outcomes. “Bags” carpet under boards. We can provide several sets to
provide for multiple teams and a smooth event with
Team Formats: (one or other) scoring based on time and accuracy. (1 staff)
Match Play Scoring: Teams rotate Volleyball Enjoy our recreation rules designed to allows all
to a station and compete against abilities to play safely to minimize injuries. No
one other team for the “score spiking, blocking and a minimum # of hits prior to
earned” in that activity. The the ball being sent to the other team.
score will be accumulated over Kan Jam Teams compete for top score in this fast and fun
the six challenges chosen. TIME: challenge. Sets available to handle the teams based
2-2.5 Hours on the group size. Games set to a time limit to
speed up the event. (1 staff)
Sub Group Competition: Larger Bocce Ball Regular for lawn or outdoor carpet with U shaped
Teams of 20-24 can be divided up ends in 4 X 4 wood. Patio needs to be level if used
to compete in each of the and plenty of sets to handle the event with a timed
challenges for a 1.5 hour fast and format for speed play. (1 staff)
fun format. Format is based on Croquet Compete as a two to sixe person team in this fun
the size of the group and could be lawn game with official rules that are close to
single or double elimination or professional play.
round robin followed by a final Spike Ball This challenge allows teams to score the highest
four shootout. volley as possible in the set time. Each court has 4
Included: players who work to bounce the ball off the net
Game equipment to meet the time without it hitting the ground. (1 staff)
of event and number of teams. Golf Chip Two challenges in one as teams chip plastic golf
Staff, scoring, music & awards for & Frisbee balls followed by Frisbee flips for two areas of
scoring. Points scored based on the zone hit with
first place overall team. Toss the ball or disc. (1 staff)
Fee: $500 base fee + $175 per team ++
Includes sound, music, staff, scoring games & awards 6