Page 8 - Tailgate Party Games
P. 8
Kan Jam Tournament
Event Format Kan Jam Rules
Overview: A fun interactive experience that can be held The object of the game is to score points by
on grass, in a parking lot, on the patio or in a ballroom.
Options include “night” glow cans and discs to support an throwing and deflecting the flying disc and
evening program. Teams can be small (4) or larger to hitting or entering the goal. The game ends
allow for more team play, but allowing people to when a team scores exactly 21 points or "chogs"
alternate throws for interactive play. the disc for an instant win. Players must get
exactly 21.
Format & Scoring: We provide a format for all teams to If a throw takes a team's score over 21, that
get at least 3 games of play. In Round I all teams have a
set time of play to score points. Based on the points team wins. In the event of a tie (both teams
scored they are placed in the bracket. After this it have 21 points at the end of a round), additional
becomes single elimination with losers of the first game rounds are played until one team has more
going to the consolation bracket. This allows at least points than the other at the end of a round.
three games for all team. Based on the group size we may adjust the rules
to not allow a “chog” or instant win until 3
Team Size: 4-8 Players
minutes left in the round. This way everyone has
Tournament Time: Each game is played to a set time longer to play.
(10-minutes). The final 8 teams in championship play will
compete based on first to a set score or time limit.
Set up Per court: Kan Jam: 15’ wide X 45’ long Base Fee: $500 Per Team Fee: $95 ++18% (4 or 8 players)
Program inclusions:
Tournament Design and Coordination Team & Courts & Space
On-site Management
All equipment Teams Kan Jam Cts (feet)
Official scoreboard and brackets 8 4 (30 w X 45 l)
Medals for 1 & 2 nd championship bracket
Medals for winner of consolation bracket 16 8 (60 w X 45 l)
24 10 (90 w X 45 l)
32 12 (120 w X 45 l)