Page 10 - The Inquiry into the Development and Implementation of a Multimedia Resource to Help Improve Parental Involvement in Their Child’s Reading Literacy During the Primary School Years.
P. 10
Chapter 1 – Introduction
1.1 Introduction
In this opening chapter of my dissertation, I will introduce my workplace context
and my own professional background. I will briefly describe the eLearning culture
within my school and discuss the rationale for conducting this research and the
creation of a multimedia resource. I will explain the research approach I chose to use
to carry out this investigation and detail the layout of this dissertation.
This research aimed to investigate the process of designing, creating and
implementing an online multimedia resource to promote parental involvement in
their child’s reading literacy at Castle Park Primary School in Dublin. The
multimedia resource, entitled the ‘Parent Learning Zone’, will supplement a
predominantly text-based parent and pupil handbook that is currently available in
PDF on our school website. The resource consists of seven short instructional videos
that aims to support parent involvement in their child’s reading homework. It
provides parents with best practice examples, key information on the main
components of reading as well as suitable reading strategies and techniques they can
practice with their child in the home. Although the resource’s primary purpose is to
enhance parental involvement in their child’s reading homework, it also provides
parents with information on the day-to-day routines of our school through an
interactive and engaging medium. It also includes a feedback section where the
parents can voice their opinions and ideas about the resource and how we as a school
can continue to improve our communication between the home and school for the
benefit of our pupils.
1.2 Background and Context
The organisation, Castle Park Primary School, is a co-educational, inter-
denominational junior school located in the South Dublin area. The school consists
of approximately 400 pupils and 40 full-time and part-time teaching staff, with just
under thirty percent of the student population coming from abroad. I have been